Chapter 2 - The Contract

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Jace's POV

"You two are getting married"

As soon as I heard those words, I looked straight up at the person who said them. Looking into Peter's eyes, I was hoping to find some sort of humour there, but all I could see was honesty. Then I looked at my dad, who was sitting next to me with a small smile on his face, and he looked nervous, not knowing what my reaction will be.

"Wait, this is a joke, right? I'm not getting married. Especially not to a player like him!" Leah shouted. I looked straight into her eyes, and the only emotion I could see was anger. But then her words started to sink in, and I clenched my jaw.

"What do you mean a player like me? Why the hell would I want to marry a little princess?" I shot back, but as soon as I said those words, Leah shot up from her seat, glaring at me. Her face was almost as red as her hair, and if I'm honest, she looked so sexy when she was all riled up. No, keep your focus in this situation, not your pants I thought to myself.

"Can somebody explain to me why we have to marry each other? And why was I never told that I had to marry someone in the first place?!" Leah screamed at her father. Peter looked taken back by his daughter's sudden burst of anger towards him.

"Sweetie, please calm down and I will explain everything" Peter started calmly, Leah finally sat down after a few seconds and looked straight at her father waiting for the explanation we both wanted to hear. "Martin and I talked a little over 20 years ago about merging our businesses together once we were both ready to retire. But the only thing to make this work, completely, was for his first son to marry my first daughter. We planned to train you both in our companies so that once we merge them together, you both will have a deep understanding of how the companies work"

After Peter's explanation, my dad took over. "We agreed that after the wedding, both businesses will share the Williams Corp building, as there are extra floors available to transfer all the employees over from one building to another, and you both will share the top floor for your offices, as well as sharing a secretary. You may also have your own personal assistants to help you both. Jace, your PA will be Tyler, as he has the best knowledge when it comes to our business and Leah, your dad told me that Danny will be your PA too"

I looked over at Leah to see her reaction, only to find her staring directly at me. We looked at each other for a few more seconds before she asked something we both desperately needed to know. "When is the wedding supposed to happen?"

Peter looked at my dad before answering "November 15th"

"That's in 1 month! How are we supposed to arrange a wedding in 1 month?!" Leah screamed. "We don't even know each other and you expect us to arrange a wedding in 1 month, the venue, food and drinks, a dress, bridesmaids? Oh my god, I don't want this, I wanted to find someone and date him, then fall in love and then marry a few years down the line. Not meet someone for the first time after years and then get pushed into marrying him in 30 fucking days!!!"

"Leah, you have to calm down sweetie, you're going to pass out with how red you are. I know this must have come as a shock to you both but this is happening. Your engagement party is in 2 weeks, which your mother is already preparing for and after today you will also be helping her with the help of Ava" Leah's dad informed her.

This whole time, I've been listening and thinking about the situation. I didn't want to marry in the first place, I'm happy with my life the way it is. I'm a 28-year-old bachelor, I go out most nights and almost every time I bring a different woman back to my bed. I take a new woman to every event that I'm invited to. Once I get married, my life will change drastically and I don't think I'm ready for that. But on the other hand, Leah is gorgeous, what man wouldn't want to claim her as his wife?

"We have already bought a house for you both which you will be moving in together tonight, we have already had all of your belongings moved in ready" my dad stated. I looked over at him exasperated. I was happy in my penthouse apartment, it was exactly what I've always wanted since growing up and now I have to move in with a woman who I barely know, and call her my wife. What was I supposed to do? I wanted the business to call my own and this is the only way to get it.

"Jace, you've been awfully quiet this whole time, don't tell me you're happy about this," Leah asked me trying to sound calm, but I can hear the stress in her voice.

"Of course, I'm not happy about this, but what's the point in screaming and shouting when they've already signed the contract? There's nothing we can do other than either sign it ourselves or not, and obviously, if we don't sign it, then there are no businesses to run for either of us" I replied to her, not showing any emotion as to how I'm feeling because, in all honesty, I have no idea how I'm feeling, I think I may still be in shock.

I looked over the document again, seeing our father's signatures at the bottom, and picked up a pen and scribbled down my signature to let them know ill go through with the wedding and make Leah my wife. I looked up to Leah as I handed over the piece of paper to her. She watched me the whole time, then sighed. She read over the contract and started making notes in her notepad. She slowly picked up her pen and hovered over where her signature should be, before looking up once more and letting her eyes scan over each of our faces. She let out an exasperated sigh once more and scribbled down her signature.

As soon as she finished, she slammed the pen down and walked out of the room without another word or even a glance at any of us. I jumped out of my seat and chased after her, I caught up with her when she was walking into her office and I reached out for her elbow and pulled her back to me.

She was just about to yank her arm out of my grasp but I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her to try and help calm her down. She put up a bit of a fight to escape from me but I kept a strong hold on her, and she finally stopped fighting and melted into the hug I was giving her. I could hear her soft sobs and feel her shoulders shaking. I rubbed my left hand up and down her back, and held the back of her neck with my right, trying my hardest to comfort her. We were both in this together and no matter how either of us felt about it, we had no choice if we wanted to pursue what we'd both worked so hard for.

After a while, she finally calmed down, at this point, I had managed to push her further into her office and shut the door all while still hugging and comforting her. Leah lifted her head up to meet my gaze and I couldn't help the soft smile that graced my lips when I saw her beautiful face looking red and puffy with tear-stained cheeks. I slowly wiped the remaining few tears off her high cheekbones whilst still gazing into her amazing green eyes.

I'm never usually this soft with women or anyone for that matter. What was this woman doing to me?

 What was this woman doing to me?

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