Chapter 7: First Day

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A/n: just some clarification in the last chapter takemichi got PTSD but he thinks that the reason why he is acting as if he doesn't is because he doesn't realize it yet that he got trauma. He was tramatize because he had been physically and mentally abused when he was young so basically he just think that its normal for people to hurt him and he thinks that he is stupid/abnormal if he ever fight back since the environment he grew up in isn't really the best one. Michi really cares about the people who cares for him but he doesn't think that he does because he never experienced people caring for him. So he thinks that the reason why his grandmother is kind to him is just because of her obligation even though Takemichi knew that his grandmother do care for him. He just don't want to believe that there are people who'll actually look out for him because his terrified that they were actually just lying to him and betray him one day.


Third Person Pov

Takemichi woke up at the sound of his grandmothers voice right its his first day in school in this new unfamiliar place. Takemichi sat up as he nods and bid his grandmother a good morning.

"Are you excited for school?" Tanuki spoke softly as she stroke Takemichi hair.

Takemichi just nods and sat up.

"Come on let's get you bathed" Tanuki happily said.

She was about to take off Takemichi clothes but the raven haired boy immediately stop her.

"Please don't" Takemichi mutters holding Tanuki hands.

Tanuki of course was not even shocked. She figure it out earlier on since Takemichi would bath himself without her knowing.

Tnuki want to cry. She wanted to give everything to Takemichi spoil him yet. The young boy still looks terrified just how unlucky his grandson have been in his whole life.

Just how long will the child's past memories he will suffer from. She doesn't want Takemichi to remember his past life.

She wanted for Takemichi to start a new. She knows that Takemichi haven't fully trust her. Bit she's willing to wait no matter how long it is.

She'll wait for this small boy to open up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you grandma it's just that I'm comfortable bathing myself and my body it's..... Ugly" though Tanuki couldn't hear the last words of Takemichi she had read his lips.

She bit her lips and smile painfully at the young boy then ruffle his head.

"Alright then I'm gonna go downstairs and prepare your food!" Tanuki returns to her happy mode then she exit the room.

As she close the door she couldn't help but tear up. She's angry on how she had raised his son. How could he do such thing to the poor kid.

She wipes of her tears as she proceeds to the kitchen then cook some food.


Takemichi took off his clothes as he enter the bathroom. He unintentionally look at the body mirror of the bathroom.

He couldn't help but cringe at the sight of his body. The burn scars, the wounds, and some of the bruises are still there.

He remembers how his mother 'accidentally' spilled a boiling water on him. He remembers how his father made excuses on how he is a root of all evil so he must get beaten up.

He remembers how he shouldn't felt guilty about him being hurt. Because that's his life.

Takemichi shook his head and headed to go and clean himself. He can't waste time looking at his ugly appearance right now as he needed to get ready for school.

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