𝙲𝙷. 𝟷𝟸 V𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚢

Comenzar desde el principio

You remained to stare at the sentinels with a shudder, with a notion penetrated your mind as always, "something's wrong." Suddenly, the eyes of the sentinels were activated in amber color, coming into life was what you could comprehend, and the device, which looked like giant exhaust fans, except without the blades in the middle, was radiating. Someone must activate the sentinels. About a minute later, the sentinels rose above, in mid-air. Horror spread across your face, stunned and shocked at the machines. Taking a glimpse of the professor on your left, you saw him just as baffled as you did. His brows knitted, mouth slightly agape as he looked from left to right, checking whether your other two companions had found Raven yet at the front.

People applauded and acclaimed the gigantic, robotic machines again. "I heard Trask said they didn't activate the sentinels; someone else must've done it," the professor shouted, loud enough for you to hear. The noise that the sentinels made was noisy, as well as the cheering crowds, and you weren't able to hear him speak clearly if he hadn't spoken out loud. So, these people surrounding you didn't realize how serious the problems were. The situation at current wasn't planned, at all.

You saw Hank and Logan being impeded by the guards as sentinels flew above the crowds. Then, unexpectedly, you saw one of the sentinels raise its arm while the others followed, all targeting the crowds below them—no, not the crowds—but something behind the people. In a flash, the sentinels attacked. The cheering sounds of the crowds had altered to panicky shouts and screams. Professor couldn't connect with Raven any longer. Mr president and the other significant government officials were evacuated by the military squads, while citizens fled for their lives.

"Erikkkkkkkk," shouted the professor to the sky, causing you to realize the chaos had something to do with the magnetism manipulator.


You stayed beside the professor all the time, judging by the situation. You were here to stop Raven from killing Trask, so being a coward or fleeing like a chicken wouldn't do any good. Hank and Logan were escaping from the attack, trying to cover themselves by a random car nearby; however, they got blasted away. "Hank! Logan!" you shouted, though it wasn't a wise move to leave the professor alone and rush toward the other grownups. "Calm down. In chaos like this, you should stay calm and figure out what is best to do according to current," stated the professor firmly. "They'll be fine. They're mutants, like us! And they're X-men!" Nodding, you repeated his words in mind.

Once you looked up to the sky to track down the signs of the sentinels, horrid scenes before your eyes. Dark shadows of a large stadium floating in mid-air, with sentinels flying in the middle, standing at the back of the sentinels, and in the middle of the stadium, was Magneto himself. The magnetism manipulator had freaking lifted the stadium! Before you could hear the warnings from the other two adults, you and the professor had already been crushed by dropping parts of the large arena. Yet, you still had enough time to cover the friend of your father's by embracing him with your face turned to his side, while your back facing the fearful sight to endure the pain caused by the fallen parts of the stadium.

"(Y-Y/N)...," whispered the professor, patting your head as he called out your name to make sure you were alright. "Bella? Can you hear me?"

"I'm okay," you answered, supporting yourself up with little strength. Professor breathed out in relief, though a puzzled look on his face made you gaze over your shoulder. A small, the size of about half of your force shield had formed, and the debris of fallen building parts slid down as you supported yourself up to see the back. You were shocked at what you had created. The power of yours manifested automatically without your own will. Your intuition ability of yours had smelled the danger and taken action before you could react when you faced it seconds ago.

You made an all-out effort to release the energy and manifested your force shield bigger and more powerful to help you and the professor to come out of the rubble. Gradually as the professor crawled on all fours to get himself out beneath you, from the corner of your eyes, you saw one of the sentinels activated, aiming at another area of the stadium rubble. Eyes followed its 'gunpoint', and you soon realized it was firing at Hank and Logan. Neither you nor the professor ran to help them; instead, the grownup told you that he had to stop Erik Lehnsherr despite Logan and Hank in a fight. There's no mission without combat, even if it only involved a few displaying mutant powers. Hence, the professor told you not to help the other two since the sentinels would start targeting you rather than them. So you had to wait and watch Erik Lehnsherr's next move tentatively. That left Logan and Hank to deal with the sentinel.

"Erik has his helmet. I can't get into his mind," said the professor despairingly. "With the helmet, he'll do anything; no, he can do anything. And I think he's going to do something far worst than targeting Raven." You watched, eyes never left the man in helmet any longer, and soon, you could notice that he was not focusing on the White House but on another way. Following his gaze, you gasped faintly at the sight of Logan dashing towards Magneto as fast as his legs could carry him. Magneto threw everything he could control at the man with claws.

You knew Logan was a powerful mutant too, yet, sometimes, things didn't go exactly the way you thought. Magneto controlled concrete rubble reinforced with steel rebar to hit Logan in the back of his head. You couldn't hold back the surprised marvel anymore, and a despairing scream escaped your lips as you dropped your knees on the lawn. The scenes afterward were painful to watch. You didn't want Logan to suffer like this, and oh-!how you wanted to dash straight to the man and heal him with all your strengths while the golden window was still available. Professor's mouth opened agape. He, too, was shocked at how Magneto treated Logan. "Erik! Stop!" bawled the professor, though his old comrade didn't give a damn about him. Eventually, for the steel rebar that penetrated Logan's body, Magneto could manipulate the time-traveler without a hitch. In a heartbeat, Logan was forced to leave the ground, and in mid-air. Then, he was being sent off to far, far away where you couldn't see, beyond the stadium.

"(Y/N), stay calm. Logan's going to be all right," said the professor in a low voice, "do not make a foolish attempt to confront Erik." You cried so hard, with tears flowing from your eyes with drops each time as they streamed down your cheeks. Exactly how long did you weep, you didn't know, but as you noticed the sorrowfulness died out, Erik Lehnsherr had already done something else. A massive, metallic coffer-like box was pulled towards the magnetism controller. When it came near enough to Magneto, he waved his hands in some gestures that might be tearing the metallic coffer-like thing. To your surprise, there were plenty of people inside after the box had been 'peeled'. Their weapons were being manipulated in mid-air, and the people inside the box were all being held at gunpoint. It wasn't until the professor had the eyes glued to the people in the huge metallic box that you remarked that the crucial government officials were those men who had been hidden inside. You had just caught the sights of Mr president and Trask.

"Oh crap...," you thought.

𝙼𝚞𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝: 𝙲𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora