So Rise From The Ashes (Part I)

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  • Dedicated to Fans! <3

Dear Bella,

Hey Bella! It’s me, Mom. How have you been? I heard a lot of crazy things have been happening, would you mind to explain? I know, I’m very sorry I wasn’t there at the moment, but things have been happening here back home. Your grandfather suffered from heart attack and died. We were too devastated to even talk to anyone at that moment. His funeral is taking place next week, and I hope you’re able to attend. It’d meant the world to us. But it’s alright if you’re busy, we’d understand. Don’t hesitate to call darling, we’re still here for you. We miss you.


Momma Darlings.

' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' '

I stood there. Speechless. 


It’s weird knowing how you’ve just been through a crazy ride of events, and the outcome was another devastating lost. I know that we all grow young, and then grow old, and at the end of the ride, that’s where it’s time to say goodbye. But not at this moment, I thought about this ever happening. The lost. My grandfather was a guy who I rarely saw at teenage-hood, but would always see in my childhood years. Papa Marie, he was a heck of a guy. And the thought of him not here anymore, just brought me to this dark place where I just sat there, and thought about the past and the present. How fast time has gone by, and how eventful it became. Mom must have been devastated. But I admit, I was going through my own loss too. It’s not that we all don’t go through loss, because clearly we all do. 

What saddens me the most, is not being there with my mother. She must have took it very hard. It was her father’s lost, for god’s sakes. How could you not feel destroyed and fragile at the moment realizing, one of your parents are gone? Forever? Maybe sometimes they weren’t the best of parents one could ever had, but they were still your parents. And then, there’s that moment when you realize, if they ever deserve your sorrow and tears. But I knew, Papa Marie, was worth the tears. He was one of the guys who you’d say, are simply cool due to the fact he accepted who you were, and also another shoulder to cry on when no one else was there for you.

I’d say, he was one of the guys who taught me to be, who I ever wanted to be. Besides my parents of course. 

And then, there’s that moment when I realize, he’s gone. 

I couldn’t help, but let the tears flow out of me. That’s the moment of sadness, and time of reflecting who you really were next to for god knows, the amount of years. I look down at the wrinkly paper, realizing there landed drops of my tears, making the ink mix with it. I fold the paper up, and put it aside, putting my head in my hands. 


I look up slowly, meeting with the brown eyes I knew. Jaime. His lips drop to a frown, and he immediately walks towards me. “Oh god, are you okay?” He asks, pulling me into his arms. It’s been a long time I’ve been in his arms like this, to be honest. And I missed it. But the fact that he sees my sorrow, and the pain, he knows I’m in need of comfort. “Bella?” He asks, “What’s wrong?” He adds, wanting an answer. I look up, meeting his eyes, “My grandfather, died.” I whispered, my voice cracking. 

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