Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

    So the spaceship became tattered again.

    Su Xuan rummaged through the corpses expressionlessly, and took off all the valuables from their brains to their clothes.

    Their coats appear to be some kind of composite insulating material - they do resist electricity for short periods of time, but the material is not strong enough to tear apart easily.

    But they must also be expensive.

    She took a photo with her optical brain and searched for pictures on the Internet. When she found similar products, she laughed out loud when she saw the price.

    "It seems that one piece is enough to repair the ship."

    Su Xuan became happy again.

    Fufu pulled out the beacon chip from the body, it was stained with a small amount of sticky juice, and a red indicator light was flashing on the thin chip.

    Su Xuan crushed it.

    She was afraid that it would not be broken enough, so she even took out a hammer from the toolbox and smashed the chip into powder.

    Su Xuan threw away the hammer, "It's probably fine, I'll drive the boat away first."

    Change to another place to avoid trouble from Yinhu.

    The supernatural beings sent by them are not masters if they are singled out, otherwise they would not be killed by the tentacles.

    If it weren't for their ability to hide and attack and fight a wave of cooperation, coupled with insulating clothes-

    just look at their physical fitness level, if they confront each other head-on, Su Xuan is actually confident that they will all be defeated by the instantaneous burst of lightning.

    She went directly to the wheelhouse and started the boat, and didn't mention the matter of sending Fufu away for a while.

    The tree-man girl went back to lying on her stomach in the water tank in a daze, and fell asleep again after a while.

    Su Xuan drove the boat in a daze, reduced the speed to the minimum, and kept cruising slowly in the sky, but she didn't know where to go.

    As she watched the projection of the holographic map, she wondered how things had come to this.

    Su Xuan recalled the feeling before.

    While the thoughts were turning, a long and flexible tentacles emerged from the back.

    The outer stratum corneum is white, harder than normal human skin, and feels like it is spliced ​​together by large scales.

    There are more than a dozen large or small eyes all over it, all of which are closed.

    But when she controlled the tentacles to stretch back to places she couldn't see, and when she wanted to see the scene around the tentacles clearly, those eyes opened.

    The porthole console of the cab in her eyes disappeared, and became the hatch and wall behind her.


    After a strange trembling sensation, Su Xuan retracted her tentacles and leaned on the seat with complicated emotions.

    Fortunately, the brief change of perspective just now did not cause a spacecraft accident.

    One other thing is certain, though.

    This is definitely the ability of the eyeball.

    When I was fighting with the eyeballs, I found that the guy had a 360-degree viewing angle. Even if he attacked from directly behind its body, it seemed to have eyes behind it.

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