Chapter 11

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11: I finally heard something about you (5)

"What about beast people? On and Hong have pointy ears too."

The Black Dragon tilted his head as he thought of the two kittens.

"You're right, I've thought so too."

"Then he must be one of them. Because elves avoid humans."

Cale quickly came to a conclusion as he didn't want to continue the conversation anymore and closed his eyes.

"But, weak human, he is not strong at all. My noona, my hyung and the wolf guy are quite strong although they're not as strong as me."

Cale cursed in his head and stopped the Black Dragon from speaking further.

"Focus on the magic bombs first."

"Ah, you're right."

The Black Dragon kept his curiosity to himself because the bombs were more important.


On the day of the festival.


Ciel calmly ate the cookies and cake he had ordered at the outside table of a cafe.

That night, when he returned to his room and almost passed out, Amelia nagged to him so much that it became his lullaby.

"(Don't even think about doing anything on the celebration day! You'll just sit and eat sweets!)"

That's what she said.

But because of that, things are calmer and he can think clearly now.

'Blackie is fine. Venion Stan is not that guy.'

He chewed on a sweet strawberry and thought.

'I wonder if Blackie is still following young master Cale.'

As he finished his cake, he stared at a small gift on the table. He asked the waiter and she said that a customer must have left it.

Ciel just let it be and hoped the person would come to claim it later.

"Meow~ (Hey!)"

He saw Amelia coming to him with a happy face and asked.

"Where did you go?"

She climbed into a chair and reached for a cookie before answering.

"Mnya mew munch. (I met the cuties while walking just now.)"

She ate two more cookies before continuing.

"Mew? Mnyao myaa. (But you know, they both look in a hurry. That Choi Han guy too.)"


"Meoww. Ung? Nya? (I don't know. Um? What's that?)"

Amelia pointed at the gift with a strange face.

"Someone left it. So I just left it there."

Amelia reached for the gift and looked at it carefully. Surprisingly, the gift could not be opened after she tried it.

"(I got a weird feeling about this thing.)"

"What's wrong with it?"

"(This gift- ah! Hey, your bracelet!)"

The bracelet shook and the dye magic from it began to disappear.

Amelia panicked when she saw Ciel's eyes turning blue and his hair turning red. His pointed ears are also visible because his hair is now shortened.

Ciel frowned and covered his head with his hood.

"Relax, it's just a Mana Disturbance Tool. Although I don't know why someone would use it here, right now- ahk!"

Ciel was surprised when suddenly there was a guy running towards him and quickly took the gift with an angry face. The person also grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving.

"Ch- Choi Han?"

"Huh? Ciel-nim?"

Choi Han, who couldn't see Ciel's face at all but recognized his voice quickly let go of the arm he was holding.

"Why are you covering your head-! Ah, I'm running out of time, I'll take this."

Choi Han didn't even wait for an answer and ran away with the gift.

Ciel and Amelia looked at each other, confused by what was happening.

And then, shortly after Choi Han left, they heard a loud explosion from the direction where Zed was supposed to be giving his speech now.

"What the hell's going on there?"

Ciel asked and Amelia shrugged.

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