Chapter 6

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6: Heading out (2)

"Damn it."

Tonight's main course was a soup with rabbit meat.

It was not Ron's doing. Cale turned his gaze to the side. Choi Han, the person who had caught the rabbits, was happily eating his soup.

He then turned the other way, towards Ciel and Amelia who were sitting a little distance away from him and eating the meal prepared for them without saying anything.

Cale has learned that Ciel is a relatively quiet person and doesn’t talk unnecessarily.

Tap. Tap. On and Hong were tapping on his leg, asking him to give it to them if he didn’t want it. Hans had a wide smile on his face as he cautiously approached the two children.

“Would our precious kitten-nims like to eat the jerky that I prepared for you? It is very healthy, without any salt or preservatives.”

Naturally, On and Hong ignored Hans. Hans, who did not know they were part of the Cat Tribe, found that sass to be cute as well and continued to linger around them.

He also went to offer Amelia the white cat some of the jerky he had brought and Amelia accepted it without hesitation.


Cale clicked his tongue.

“Do you have no appetite?”

Cale seemed to be frustrated, as Ron approached him with his usual benign smile. He looked back and forth between the rabbit soup and Ron, before suddenly realizing something. This old man enjoyed making fun of him.

“Yes. None at all.”

Choi Han responded to that statement.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

“No, nothing like that.”

‘I would have no issues if you caught anything other than rabbits.’

Choi Han then asked if it was the first time Cale was in a life and death situation and then suddenly said that he would go train to be stronger.

‘...Scary punk. Are you trying to get strong enough to blow the whole Earth away?’

Cale turned away in disgust. At that time, Beacrox approached him with a new dish.

“Please enjoy.”

“Oh! Thanks.”

Cale looked at the plate that was filled with the highest quality spices and highest quality beef steak, and started to smile.

“Bitter food and drinks like lemonade are best to restore your appetite.”

This was the first time Ron had handed him a lemonade since their interaction at the tea shop. Cale just ignored the lemonade because he was excited about the steak.

Seeing the young master ignoring the lemonade he was giving, Ron slowly backed away to let the young master enjoy the steak cooked by his son.

He then approached the lone Ciel who had just finished his meal. The white cat, Amelia, was nowhere near him.

Ron with his usual benign smile asked Ciel.

"Does the soup suit your taste, sir?"

"'s delicious. Thank you."

"I'm glad to hear that you like it. Would you like to have a steak after this?"

Ciel then looked over at Cale who was happily eating the steak.

", thank you. I'm full."

"Is that so? Then how about a warm lemonade, sir?"

Ciel couldn't even resist when he saw a cup of lemonade in Ron's hand. Ron handed the cup to him and silently watched the man drink it.

Unlike his young master, there was no sign that Ciel hated lemonade as he drank it calmly without any facial changes.


Amelia, who had just returned from eating jerky with the cute kittens, was surprised to see the old man with Ciel at that time.

She quietly watched them from a distance and was ready to rush there if the butler did something suspicious on Ciel.

'Maybe it's me who's too suspicious but...'

The only weird thing Amelia noticed was that the butler's eyes were glued to Ciel who was drinking lemonade and handed him an empty cup after he finished drinking it.

They then exchanged a few words before Ron started to leave Ciel alone.

Amelia who had been quite watching the two of them started walking normally towards Ciel.



She and Ron met eyes before each headed in their own direction.

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