Chapter 4

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4: The king's aide (2)

The old woman, the owner of the inn, sent her guests away with a soft smile.

"Have a safe trip, dear."

Ciel and Amelia returned her smiles with their smiles.

"Yes, thank you."


Not long after they left the inn and walked towards the Count's son's envoy, Ciel already want to go home.

"Ah, I don't wanna go."

Amelia shook her head at the silent murmur. Even though they can already see their carriages.

They quietly looked at the servants and guards who were preparing their young master's journey to the capital from afar.

"Isn't the number of people too few?"

They knew that the aristocratic envoy should be a little more majestic with the number of guards but this one was a little modest.

Amelia chuckled at the sight and asked Ciel.

"(Do you want to hear something about this count's son?)"

"Huh, what?"

Unaware of where he is, he squatted down to listen to Amelia's words.

"(I heard that the count sent his eldest son to the capital this time, a man known as a trash.)"

At the statement, Ciel tilted his head.

"A trash?"

"(That guy always makes a fuss when he's drunk and has a bad temper so people call him trash.)"

"...then? Why did the count send such a man to the capital?"

"(He changed a little. It has been two years since he was removed from the position of successor. But maybe the count wants to give him another chance?)"

And this time it was Amelia who tilted her head. Looking uninterested, Ciel shrugged lightly.

"I don't know. But where did you heard it from?"

"(The birds told me! And one more thing...)"

When Ciel quietly listened, Amelia smiled so brightly that she showed her small fangs.

"(I heard that he is very pretty, nya!)"

Ciel blinked at the shiny eyes.

" that's why you look so excited."

"(Not only that! I also heard that there are little cuties with him!)"

Ciel just wanted to ask "What is that?" to Amelia when someone suddenly approached him from behind.

"Hello sir!"


Shocked by the sudden voice, Ciel almost fell to the ground but the guy managed to hold his arms.

Orange hair, gray eyes, it's Hans.

Hans who had to release his hold on the two kitten siblings to hold Ciel's arm asked worriedly.

"Sorry! Are you okay?"


Although his legs felt a little numb, Ciel slowly stood up straight. He then looked at Hans who strangely looked happy.

"Ah, someone just talked to a cat! I finally found my people!"


"It's so cute!"

Before Ciel could say anything, Hans cut him off with a compliment about how cute Amelia is.

'So he's just a cat lover,' thought Amelia and Ciel.

"It's a she."

"She's so cutee!"

On and Hong, who saw this strange sight, looked at the white cat larger than them on the side.

On then moves in front of Hong, intending to protect him.

'She's strong.'

Seeing this, Amelia smiled softly.

"Meoww. (Oh my, they're cute.)"

Enough with the discussion about the cat, Hans finally sees Ciel's face well.

"Sir Ciel?"

"Huh, what? You know me?"

Hans then introduces himself as the deputy butler of the Henituse family and drags Ciel to the carriages that is ready to depart.

"Is there any stuff, sir?"


He then shook the bracelet on his left wrist.

"Space item."

Hans who understood nodded his head.

"I see."

The head of the envoy, Vice-Captain of the provincial Knights Brigade approached him and Hans. The vice -captain then informed that their young master would be leaving soon.

Ciel then slightly bowed,
"We'll be in your care then."

Hans and the vice-captain smiled brightly at the good guy. Even the other guards who heard him had a satisfied smile on them.

"That's not a problem! Now go in with the young master-nim!"

"Sure...wait, what?"

He looked in the direction of the most expensive-looking carriage Hans had pointed out, and in it already a red-haired man looking at him with an annoyed face.

Cale, who had just been asked by Choi Han if he wanted him to be in the same carriage, thought that three men being in the same carriage was unnecessary and just wanted to leave now.

He stared at the caramel-haired man and said,

"Get in."

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