I decided that maybe it was time to go down there in case the situation escalated but Y/n kept my hand in a tight hold.
"I'm sorry, I just- the energy down there is just uneasy right now." She told me still holding my hand but with a loosened yet firm grip.

"Hey Ash, maybe you should-"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Ashlyn exclaimed and went on about how it's his fault and she's leader and all sorts of yada yada bullcrap. "Listen I'm just as afraid as the rest of you but I'm the best suited to take on this responsibility right!? And to try and find a way out of this mess and protect you guys!"

"I'm sorry." Taylor apologized. And went on saying shit about how much pressure Ashlyn is in.
I can hear Y/n grinding her teeth together, clearly pissed.

"Nah uh." She said jumping down before I could get a good grip on her hand.

"No Taylor, don't apologize for being afraid. We all fucking are and I get it Ashlyn, we all had been looking up to you for answers and ideas so far which placed under a bunch of pressure but remember we are all in this together and we all are to help each other. It's okay to be afraid and showing that you are is completely normal." She said getting closer to Ashlyn.
"I'm not done. There is no "leader" in this shithole. One team, one mind." Y/n said climbing back up the wall.

I gave her and uneasy look then she sighed. "I know man I just... she just low key made me felt as if we were all just a burden regardless of her intention." I frowned and pulled her into a hug which resulted in her just melting in my arms.
"Ugh thank you, I've just been so on edge and irritable lately and getting pissed at every little inconvenience just makes me more pissed." She said with her voice muffled as she buried her face into my shoulder.

Feeling her hot breath on my neck made my face burn up, my eyes were literally watering a bit from the heat.

"LETS GEAR UP BITCHES!" Aiden shouted.


Y/n pov

I didn't have to gear up much since I was staying back with Logan.
"Hey, before we go. I just wanted apologize for.. snapping at you guys."
"It's alright, we all have our moments." Taylor replied after a brief silence.
I love that chick, she's legit the peacemaker up in this bitch.

"Alright then, let's do this."


"You sure your injury is okay?" Ashlyn asked Logan.
"Yea, it's pretty much gone now. Weird isn't it?" He answered raising up his shirt.
"Holy shit, that looks rad as fuck." I said touching his scar.
"Okay let's get position then." Ashlyn muttered.
"Now?" Aiden asked as Ashlyn nodded in reply.


"Seriously? Party Walkers?" Tyler asked.
"It's a good song!!" Aiden replied rushing off the ground on the other side of the wall leaving everyone in shock but followed nonetheless using the ropes of course.

"You think they'll be okay?" Logan asked me.
"Honestly I don't know but I hope so." I replied.
"Well I'm about to move to your school next week, i thought it'd be better that way than to just fill me in with the information you guys gather each day." I said breaking the silence.
"Well... you sure it isn't about that fight you got into?" He asked.
"Huh?" I wasn't expecting that.
"Ne-never mind, it's not my place to ask. I-"
"No... it's fine. Yes that is the actual reason...but the other reason is why I specifically pick your school." I said cutting him off. He nodded in understanding.
"Y/n, you can also open up to us even though your new and stuff we're in this together so I don't think there's a need to make yourself closed off." He said.

After that, a comfortable silence lingered. It was nice and peaceful, peaceful enough to make me forget about our current situation.

"What are they doing?" Logan whispered to himself. I picked up my shotgun and crawled over his side to look out. It looked as if the were in some sort of argument.

"Guys we can't find the keys! Stay there, we're going in the house to go get 'em." Ashlyn's voice said from the walkie talkie.

"I thought you placed them in the Jeep!" Logan replied.
"I DID, just- - stay there and keep watch." Ash replied before cutting out.
"Okay, be careful." Logan said as his soul left his body. Homie literally turned two shades lighter which I didn't think was possible.

"The music must've stop." Logan said looking around.
"Wait.. that means- WE HAVE TO WARN THEM MORE WOULD BE COMING!" I said pulling out my walkie talkie.

"ASHLYN!" Logan shouted pointing at the roof.

"Guys! The music stop! You gotta get outta there, ASAP!!" I warned keeping my eyes on Ash and the phantom. Logan stayed in position with rifle in hand, trembling.

"Logan come on you got this, take a deep breath in."
"I said, deep breath in."
He did as I ordered then looked into the scope of the rifle.
"That's it, clear your mind and then pull-."


We both looked at the dead phantom in shock.
"We-We did it..."
"NO, YOU DID THAT!" I praised. "YOU DID IT!" I exclaimed gripping his shoulders and shaking him out of excitement.

"Well...that's not good." Logan stammered looking down at all the phantoms the gunshot attracted.

"Nope, not good at all." I added but my annoyance turned into pure worry when the ran in the direction of Ben and the rest.
"Guys you gotta hurry up! There's about 20 phantoms heading your way!" Logan shouted.


"Hm, make that 18." I said looking at Logan with a grin. "There's so many of them!" He said looking at the swarm surrounding the house. "Will the find a way out?"

"They're gonna find a way out... they have to." I reassured Logan.

Ben... please god, the universe, who ever is out there. If not anyone else let Ben survive.

End of chapter 5
A/n: YES HUMANS, I AM ALIVE!! Hopefully I'll have the next chapter prepared in the next two days or so... tootles!

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