Chapter 15- Girl Power

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Doctor Strange traps a group of Chitauri in his magic and sends them through portals as Tony joins him. "Hey. You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it." Tony says.

"If I tell you what happens, it won't happen." Doctor Strange says.

"You better be right," Tony says.

Scott and Hope enter a small hole in the van's window. They get into the front seat, regrow back to their normal size, and try to activate the Quantum Tunnel. "It's a mess back here," Hope says.

"It's...It's dead," Scott says.


"It's dead. I have to hot-wire it." Scott says, grabbing some wires.

As the fight continues, Thanos calls his sword to him and takes out a sorcerer before looking at one of his Children, Corvus Glaive. "Where's Nebula?"

"She's not responding." Corvus answers.

"Sire!" Ebony Maw says, pointing to Clint, who had the Infinity Gauntlet. I ran with Clint as we tried to keep the Gauntlet away from Thanos. We took out a few Outriders, but one pinned me to the ground. Clint turns around and looks at me. "Kaitlyn!"

"Go! I got this! You keep the gauntlet away from Thanos!" I shouted at him as I tried to keep the Outrider's teeth away from me

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"Go! I got this! You keep the gauntlet away from Thanos!" I shouted at him as I tried to keep the Outrider's teeth away from me. I shot out a blast of blue energy at the creature and stood up. As Clint rushes through the Outriders, he is surrounded by the creatures until T'Challa lands harshly on the ground, knocking them down.

"Clint! Give it to me." T'Challa says. After receiving the Gauntlet from Clint, the Black Panther holds the glove as he sprints across the battlefield while dodging several enemies. With a few kicks, his suit expels purple kinetic energy as he lands on the ground, taking out his adversaries. T'Challa stops when he hears me calling out his name.

"Give me the Gauntlet!" I shout. T'Challa tosses the glove to me, and I catch it. I started to run but was stopped by Thanos when he threw his double-edged sword like a boomerang at me. The blade knocks the glove out of my hand, causing me to fall back to the ground. When the weapon returns to Thanos, he tries to run to the glove, but Wanda lands in between Thanos and me.

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