Chapter 12- Tres Amigos

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The Avengers Compound has collapsed. The place I used to consider a second home is no longer standing. The entire team has been separated and is trapped somewhere underneath the debris and rubble. Thanos has ambushed us. I sensed it right before the first missile hit. But who could have brought Thanos here? How did he find us? I guess I'll find out soon enough if I even make it out of here alive.


Bruce Banner holds up a giant structure with his one good arm. His other arm was injured after using the Infinity Stones to snap everyone back. Water floods the facility as Bruce holds it up under Rocket and Rhodey. Rocket lies trapped under a slab of concrete.

"I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" Rocket exclaimed.

"Canopy! Canopy! Canopy!" Rhodey shouts as he gets out of his damaged War Machine suit.

"Rhodey, Rocket, get out of here!" Bruce shouts.

"Let me up! Let me up!" Rocket panicked. Rhodey crawls over to help Rocket while picking up a rebar, using it as leverage to lift the debris off Rocket. Rocket gets out, and they both sigh in relief.

"Rhodey!" Bruce shouts before a flood engulfs Rhodey and Rocket.

Elsewhere in the wreckage, Scott, who survived the ambush by shrinking, crawls out of some rocks. "Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy? We're on the lower level. It's flooding!" Rhodey shouts into his comms.

"What? What?" Scott asks, confused.

"We are drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!"

"Wait! I'm here!" Scott says. "I'm here. Can you hear me?"

Down in the sewers, Clint wakes up and pulls himself up from the chunks of concrete. He turns on a flashlight from his gauntlet and points it upward to a hole in the ceiling. "Cap?" He says. When there was no response, he looked around the dark sewer and saw me lying unconscious on the ground. "Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn? Come on, Kait. Don't do this to me, honey." Clint gently shook me awake, and I opened my eyes. I let out a gasp and sat up.

"Are you okay?" Clint asks, looking me over.

"I think so. Yeah." I say as Clint helps me up. I looked around the sewer. "Where's Will?"

"Over here." I hear a hoarse voice say. Clint and I run to another part of the sewer and I gasp when I see Will lying trapped underneath a huge piece of concrete.

"Will!" I exclaimed. I run over to him.

"My leg! I think my leg is broken!" Will shouts.

"Just let me get this off you, okay?" I say. I use my powers to move the piece of concrete off of him. I bent down and examined his leg. I noticed a huge gash that ran down his leg from the concrete falling on him. There was bruising around the area, and his leg was very swollen. I gently pressed two fingers on his leg, but he winced, and I moved my fingers away from his leg. It was tender to the touch. His leg is definitely broken.

"How bad is it? It's bad, right?" Will asks, not wanting to look at his leg. Clint points the flashlight at Will's leg.

"That doesn't look good," Clint says.

"The cut looks pretty deep, but I'm pretty sure you'll live," I say with a smile. I turn to Clint. "Clint, help me get him up," I say, standing up. Clint walks over to Will and me, and we both wrap his arms around our shoulders to support him while we walk.

As the three of us walked down the red-lit sewer tunnel, Clint notices the familiar glove with the six Infinity Stones. He removes Will's arm from his shoulder, and when he bends down to pick it up, Clint stops when he hears a low growl coming down the tunnel.

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