Dean playfully rolled his eyes as he continued to eat his food and listen to what his daughter was talking about.

"Oh! I also sort of met some new people. I was taking photos, or I was supposed to be taking photos, of football practice, and this girl, Amanda, came up to me and immediately started talking to me. Her brother, Asher, then joined in on the conversation. She's a junior and he's a senior on the football team."


Alora nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"I thought you liked the witch, Bonnie."

"Well, I don't know if I do," She shrugged. "I barely know her. Sure, she's pretty and she's nice and all that fun stuff, but I know next to nothing about her, so I will stick to being her friend for right now."

Dean nodded along with what she was saying, agreeing with the point she had made.

"Also, I don't want to get super close to anyone in case we move again, even if it is just a friendship, you know? It would kind of suck for them, as well as myself."

Alora was a positive person.

But she was also a realist.

Dean sighed, "I don't think we'll be moving again any time soon. Even though there are vampire problems, I think you'll like it here and in all honesty, this town isn't as bad as I remember it."

"So we're staying?"

"For now."

Alora looked down at her plate and smiled. She was happy to stick around in one spot for a longer duration than they normally did. She was mostly excited for the fact that she might be able to make real friends and stick around to at least the end of her Junior Year.

"You have a football game you need to get to, no?" Dean questioned a few moments later, his British accent prominent.

Alora glanced at the clock that was on the oven, "Not yet."

A silence fell over the two of them, causing Alora to bounce her foot up and down, over and over and over again—it was a nervous habit of sorts.

She hated when things were quiet and always felt like she had to be doing something, whether it was reading one of her books, doing magic, playing with Arthur, fiddling with her fingers, tapping her foot against the floor, or even sometimes reciting off different lines from plays in her head.

Now, don't get her wrong.

Alora appreciated silence when she was sleeping or upset, which never really happened.

She had a busy mind and being left alone in the silence irked her in all the wrong ways. The pause in life allowed for her to fully think through all the thoughts that spun through her mind—she didn't like doing that.

Alora had begun tapping her fingers against her water glass, her eyes trained on one of the water droplets that was falling down the side of it. She watched as it slid down the side, colliding with another one of the smaller condensation drops before eventually hitting the coaster the glass was sitting on.

A thud had brought her out of her fixation.

She blinked and glanced over to see that Hades had pushed Arthur off the back of one of the chairs. Arthur now glaring back up at the black cat, who hissed in return to the action.

"How was your day?" Alora started up another conversation.

She preferred voices and sounds over silence.

She always would.

"I didn't really do much," Dean replied.

"Still have writer's block then?" She questioned.

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