But when I come out of the bathroom, I see her in the living room, sitting cross-legged on the chair. Before I walk to my chair, I stop next to her and kneel in front of her.

"Mery... I could never pity you. Sure, I don't like the idea of you dying, but I, as well, agree that you should enjoy the last months here, and if you chose me to enjoy them with you, I'm ready to give them to you. Anything you want from me, I will give you. Understand?"

She nods, a few tears stuck in her eyes, she and caresses my cheek with her palm. I take it and kiss it. "Now you're gonna tell me all how you come to that restaurant, and why you picked me."

"Only if you tell me how Esther and you are progressing." I send her a look, so she adds. "As a patient and a therapist."

"Fine", I sigh, getting up, "deal."

I let her talk during dinner, while I was enjoying the deliciously made meals, and this time I don't cry while eating. Nor before. Nor after. I also enjoy her tweeting like a little bird, talking about unimportant things like the weather. Once I finish eating the last plate, I wipe my mouth with the napkin and clear my throat. Her eyes quickly snap at mine.

She shakes her head. "What?"

"Nothing", I smile. "I like listening to you. Oh, and thanks for the dinner. It was delicious. I could get used to eating it this often. First lunch, now dinner. I'm only missing the breakfast."

"Tomorrow maybe. If I stay." She winks.

"How are you so sexy?" She shrugs a grin on her lips. "Anyway, how old is your brother? Is he older or younger than you?"

"No personal questions, Sebastian, I thought that we've already established it."

I tsk with my tongue. "Yet you told me your real name. Which I don't like", I mumble. "And you know all of me."

"I know nothing of you!", she exclaims, jumping a little bit on the chair.

"What do you want to know." I elbow myself. "Shoot."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty six. How old are you?"

"Twenty five. What is your last name?"

"Tomlinson." As I say it, it reminds me of how Esther usually calls me by it, and how today she said that calling each other by the first name is so cliché. "Yours?"

She shakes her head. Okay, I guess, no answer. She probably knows that as soon as the name leaves her mouth, I'd be searching for her all over the Internet, and I would find her immediately, but I would also find her brother. "Any siblings?"

On the question I instantly tense. I could have them, yeah, that's possible, and the thought passed my mind, but I guess that I'll never know.

"Everything okay?" Mer... Ingrid must have noticed the sudden change in my behavior, so I quickly offer her my best smile.

"Yeah, um, no siblings. Your brother... How old is he?", I repeat the question.

"Older, um, he's older than me. Why do you live alone? You don't... Oh, right, your ex cheated on you. Sorry."

"Yeah, no need to repeat it without any special need", I hiss.

"Understood", she bows her head. "Sorry. It won't happen again."

"Apology accepted. Any more questions, officer?", I joke.

She scoffs. "Funny. Um, no. Tell me about Esther."

"Well, I shouldn't discuss about my patie..."

"Blablabla, Sebastian. You aren't discussing about a patient, Sebastian."

Her TherapistWhere stories live. Discover now