Chapter 5 : Construction support

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"I'm finished!" Icy said as she padded out of the bathroom. "Where's Randy?" she asked. "I'm not sure, but I think he's washing his clothes and mine" I replied. "What?!" Icy exclaimed. "Is there anything wrong with that?" I asked. "I...who's idea was this? His or yours?" Icy asked. "Both?" I replied in confusion. "Then it's...fine I suppose" she muttered. "I can ask him to wash yours too" I called out. "That would be...I think I'll do mine by myself" she blurted out and went to fetch her backpack.

"I'm done!" Randy called out as he opened the door and padded back in. "Randy, what took you so long?" I asked. "Sorry...I think I did it as fast as I could. And sorry for not finding anything to make the clothes smell good" he apologized. "Psst...Blossom, I think Randy was pretty fast considering he washed that many clothes" Icy whispered. "Oh"

"What's about the making them smell good thing anyway?" I asked. "Not much, there's something kind used to use to make clothes smell better" he replied. "I think you can buy that sort of stuff at a Kecleon supermarket I think" Icy said from behind. "Thanks, I'll go get my stuff, be back in a minute," he said and went back in.

"Wow, look at the thing he built" I exclaimed when I saw a small clotheshorse he made out of sticks, with our clothes on it. "Seems like he does know some skills that we don't know about," Icy said, then looked away all of a sudden. "Icy, what's the matter?" I asked, then she turned to look at me with a blush on her face.

"How are you not blushing after seeing that?" she asked and pointed at something. "That's Randy's stuff, why?" I asked. "I...don't know how you don't find this weird...but let's wait for Randy" she replied shortly. "I'm done with my stuff," Randy said called out and padded out with his backpack with a weird look on his face.

"Randy, is anything wrong?" I asked. "Nope...I just kind of found something that probably wasn't supposed to be there, and put it upstairs in our small attic, that's all" he replied. "Alright, let's go find Kuro, Duff, and Ivy!" I exclaimed and dashed off. "Wait! Blossom we don't even know where they live yet!" I heard Randy shout from behind as I ran towards the request board.

"Hey! I saw that first!" a familiar voice yelled. "But took it first, you wouldn't be tall enough to get it either" the mon replied with a calm voice while the small mon below her screamed at her. "Duff, you saw that, didn't you?! I saw it first! And she just came here and took it!" Kuro screamed while Ivy stared at him. "Hoo~hoo~ my beautiful lady got it first~" Duff whistled as Kuro punched the request board in fury.

"Hey guys, morning!" I exclaimed and ran towards them. "Hehe, energetic as always, aren't you Blossom? Good morning to you too!" Ivy greeted me while Randy and Icy slowly caught up with me. "Hey! We're not done yet! Come on and fight like a male!" Kuro yelled. "I'm a female" Ivy replied and stuck her tongue out at him. "Morning everymon," Duff said to us. "Morning guys!" "Morning!"

"What is everymon planning on doing today?" I asked. "I'm planning on doing this one" Ivy replied and put the request on the ground. "Help, my friend is lost at Freezing Pillar, she's a Glaceon, please save her...?" Icy read the text out. "I'm planning on doing this one, would any of you like to come with me?" Ivy asked. "Yeah, I'd like to go with you! I can't just leave somemon there, plus me being an ice type would make this easier compared to everymon else" Icy replied with a smile.

"Alright Icy, does anymon else want to go with them?" I asked. "Hoo~hoo~ yes!" Duff whistled and flapped his wings in excitement. "Hell no!" Kuro yelled. "Kuro, wasn't this the one you wanted to do?" Icy asked. "Gliding between the mountain peaks and scouting out the place would help them a lot" Randy added. "NO! I'm NOT going with Ivy! If I were alone, then yes I'd like to...but with Ivy, absolutely NOT!" Kuro yelled and crossed his arms with a "Hmph!"

"Randy, would you like to join us then?" Ivy asked. "There'd be lots of ice types, having a rock type with us would make things a lot easier!" Icy said with a smile. "Nope" he replied shortly. "What? Why?" we asked. "Somemon has to stay back and take care of the place, I'll be the one" he replied. "Thanks, Randy, see you when we're back!" Icy said and headed off with Ivy and Duff.

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