Chapter 10

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

About a month has passed since Lincoln and Chandler received their new Adventurer's attire. It's after school, Lincoln has just finished his homework at home and is packing some stuff in his backpack. He puts on the backpack and goes down the stairs of the house to go out through the front door. Chandler is standing outside on the sidewalk, also with a backpack on his back. When the two see each other, they briefly raise their arms in greeting.

Chandler: Hey Lincoln. Are you ready?

Lincoln: Yeah. Let's do this!

The two are just about to leave when the front door opens again and Lily comes out.

Lily: Lincoln!

Lincoln and Chandler stop and turn to see Lily walking towards them.

Lily: Would you like to do something with me today?

Lincoln: I'm sorry Lily, but me and Chandler have plans.

Lily looks down sadly, she would really like to spend time with her brother again.

Lily: Oh okay...

Lincoln feels bad and looks at Chandler who nods.

Lincoln: Hey Lily!

Lily looks back in surprise.

Lily: Yes?

Lincoln: Me and Chandler were going to the climbing gym today, do you want to come with us?

This seems to make Lily happy and nods like a maniac.

Lily: Yes!

The two chuckle for a few seconds.

Chandler: Then come Lily.

The three make their way to the climbing hall, it takes a little while until they arrive, but in the end they reach the climbing hall without any problems. The three make their way to one of the walls and put their stuff down.

Lincoln: You've never been climbing right Lily?

Lily: No.

Lincoln nods and pulls some things out of his backpack.

Lincoln: Alright then we'll show you the basics. First of all the safety harness, the climbing shoe and the helmet

He gives them to Lily and she puts them on. Lincoln and Chandler do the same.

Lincoln: All right, we'll secure you for now.

Lincoln takes the rope from the wall and attaches it to Lily's safty harness. Chandler takes the other end and attaches it to his belt.

Lincoln: Just start climbing, I'll be right next to you and Chandler stays down here to belay you in case you slip.

Lily: Don't you need a rope like that too?

He points to a couple of snap hooks on the wall.

Lincoln: See those snap hooks on the wall? I'll attach myself to them while climbing. So come on, remember you don't have to go all the way to the top, if you can't anymore, just let go Chandler then slowly lowers you.

The two start climbing, Lily is okay with it, even if she sometimes doesn't know what to do next, Lincoln gives her a few tips and on they go. Lily makes it halfway up the climbing wall before being let down.

Chandler: Good job Lily.

Lily: Thank you Chandler.

Lincoln also comes downstairs and pats Lily's head proudly of her.

Lincoln: Good job.

The rest of the day is spent climbing sometimes Lily takes a break so the two boys can climb together. Lily is really impressed with these two, they are really fast. The sun is setting as Chandler and Lincoln head home with Lily sleeping on Lincoln's back. The two are talking about the day when they see a cloud of smoke rising.

Lincoln: What the?

The two boys look at each other and start running to the smoke and find a house on fire.

Chandler: That's Girl Jordan's house!

Lincoln: Weiss! Can you feel if someone is in there?!

Weiss flies out of Lincoln's backpack, careful not to wake Lily.

Weiss: Yes, below are two people and above is one.

Noir also comes out of Chandler's backpack.

Noir: So what are you lads gonna do? The people appear to be unconscious.

The two boys nod to each other. Lincoln slowly and carefully puts his backpack and Lily on the ground.

Lincoln: Let's go!

Lincoln and Chandler go to the front door and kick it in. A wave of heat is coming their way, but they don't really care, they've survived hotter temperatures. The two go deeper into the house.

Chandler: I'm looking down here! You go up!

Lincoln: Alright!

Lincoln walks up the stairs and looks at Weiss.

Lincoln: Where is the person?!

Weiss: The rearmost room on the right lad!

Lincoln walks the hallways, the walls are on fire and the smoke is heavy. He arrives at the door and kicks it open. There on the floor is Girl Jordan, unconscious. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. He's about to leave, but the gang is now completely filled with fire.

Lincoln: Shit! Weiss!

Weiss flies into Lincoln's hand and he casts a spell.

Lincoln: Oh fire that destroys everything, obey my command and make me a way!

The fire goes to the side and Lincoln runs through.

---Meanwhile with Chandler---

Chandler arrives in the living room to find the two people lying on the floor. They appear to be Girl Jordan's parents. Chandler is about to pick her up but has to jump aside as a ceiling beam came down on him. Fortunately, the parents were not caught by the beam.

Chandler: Come on!

Chandler lifts them both onto his shoulder, grateful for his supernatural strength right now. He runs out too. He and Lincoln meet again at the stairs and run out of the house just as another beam came down at the door.

Lincoln: That was close.

He and Chandler put the family on the lawn. At that moment, Lily wakes up.

Lily: Whats going on?

She looks around and sees the burning house and the family lying there.

Lily: What happened?!

Lincoln: When we passed here we saw Girl Jordan and her parents here in front of the burning house.

At that moment, the fire department and an ambulance arrive.

Chandler: Hey over here!

Two paramedics run towards the group and take over. Lincoln, Chandler and Lily are taken to one of the fire trucks, while the firefighters go against the fire.

To be continued.

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