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September first came around and Minnie had to go back to school. Rosemary couldn't go with her daughter to the King's Cross Station. Charlie would have to drop Minnie off at the station again. Minnie was ready to go back to school. Rosemary would have to say goodbye to Minnie sooner than expected. Rosemary wanted her daughter to go back to Hogwarts.

"Mom, I'm ready to go," Minnie said. "Alright, sweetie," Rosemary said. Rosemary came down the stairs and into the kitchen with the twins in her arms. Charlie took Fabian into his arms. Rosemary gave Minnie a hug and a few galleons for treats on the train ride over to Hogwarts. "Come on," Charlie said. "Give me Fabian," Rosemary said. Charlie handed Fabian back to Rosemary. Rosemary and Molly were going to stay home with the twin babies.

Charlie drove Minnie to the station. They got to platform nine and three quarters. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny were all there already. He told them about how Rosemary was doing along with the twins. Rosemary was doing well with the twins, and he was adjusting well to having two babies and a soon to be stepdaughter. He wanted to propose to Rosemary. Minnie said that it would be alright if he proposed to her mother. He wanted a Summer wedding so it would be beautiful and there would be flowers. He wanted to officially adopt Minnie as his own even though she wasn't physically his own daughter. He was going to treat her like his very own in every way that he possibly could. He wanted to be a father.

"How's Rosemary handling the twins?" Harry asked. "Much better than I am," Charlie said. "How are you holding up with the twins?" Hermione said. "I'm handling them pretty well and I think that I'm doing well as a father," Charlie said. Minnie's stuff was loaded up on the train. She ran up and hugged Charlie tightly. Charlie returned the hug. "We'll see you at Christmas," Charlie said. "Okay Charlie," Minnie said, breaking the hug. He pulled her in for another hug. Minnie broke the hug. "Hey, I wanted to ask you something," Charlie said. "What?" Minnie said. "I want to ask if I can ask your mom to marry me?" Charlie said. "Yes, you can, Charlie," Minnie said. "Thank you," Charlie said. "You're welcome," Minnie said, smiling.

Charlie soon got home to see Rosemary sleeping on the couch with both of the twins against her chest. The twins were both asleep as well. He went and found his mother. She was upstairs quietly listening to the radio. "Oh Charlie, there you are. Rosemary and the twins have been asleep for about a half an hour," Molly said. They both went downstairs to see Rosemary and the twins still asleep. Charlie lifted each of the twins from Rosemary's chest and put them into the bassinet by the couch. Rosemary nor the twins woke up. "You must be exhausted as well, Charlie, dear," Molly said. "Mom, I've got two little babies to care for," Charlie said. "You should be able to sleep once in a while. I will care for the twins if they wake up," Molly said. "What about Rosemary?" he said. "She's fine, dear," Molly said. Charlie went upstairs to rest.

An hour later, Rosemary woke up and everything was calm. Charlie was in the kitchen warming up some of Rosemary's expressed breastmilk. She got up from the couch and went over to him. She hugged him from behind. "I love you," Rosemary said. "I love you too and I've never stopped loving you," Charlie said. Rosemary smiled and let him go. They each took a bottle and went to the babies. The twins started to cry. Rosemary and Charlie each took care of the twins. Everything was calm when the babies were being fed their bottles. Rosemary was a pretty great mother. She already had a daughter who was sixteen years old now. She knew how to take care of a baby. He just watched her take care of one baby so he could take care of the other baby and help her out with the twins. He knew it was hard raising kids, but he didn't know that it was this hard. His mother raised seven kids with very little to no trouble at all. 

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