Chapter 23

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Kent's POV
I am still in shock at what happened and at the same time relieved that my Dad is alive. The meeting was over and Dad and I are here in his temporary room both silent.

"Son, how are you?" Dad asked I looked at him scanning his face he had more white hair now showing signs that he aged.

"I uh don't know to be honest Dad all of this is still new to me but so far I think I'm good for starters." I said and he chuckled and patted my back.

"You are more than a good son, I always made sure to know what you are doing and I want to say that I'm so proud of you." He said and I hugged him it may look feminine but I don't care I miss my Dad.

"Thanks, Dad, I always thought of you and our family when I took this position." I said and looked at him again. His features are still the same except having a few wrinkles and white hairs showing signs that he aged.

"Have you come up with any plans yet? if you still haven't I can help you with that son just tell me and I've been doing my own gathering of intel for the past years. I have gathered all of the families that turned down our offer before." My eyes went wide my Dad did all those? but damn that's a lot of families. Before when we went looking for the supporting families it was hard to ask them to be our allies again, many lives already perished because of this never ending war against Oqueno.

"I haven't come up with a solid plan yet but I already sent the best of my Emperior Forces to blend in with Oqueno's men to really help my plan to come into fruition." I explained to him other details regarding the plan and like as if on cue Kuya Caleb is here as well. We formulated the plan for hours.

~a few hours passed~

Keila's POV
We are here at a clinic of our family doctor here in Spain. I'm nervous for an unkown reason it's as if there's something bad gonna happen.

"Hey you look a little bummed out sis, something wrong?" Camille asked me and I sighed.

"I just have this gut feeling our visit here is bad." I told her and she looked around the hospital.

"Should I call Caleb?" She asked me and I looked around first to maybe calm myself.

"I'm not quite sure sis but it's really bothering me." I told her and she held my hand and tries to calm me.

Camille and I stayed alert just incase there really is someone following us or not.

"Turn on your gps sis, I suppose Oqueño would be close by knowing that bastard he's here in Spain already." I whispered and she nodded.

I unzipped my bag and got my phone out and sent a random number which Caleb knows what it meant and quickly put my phone away.

"Mrs. De Vera?" A nurse asked and we walked to where she is and followed her inside the room.

"Keila! Camille what a surprise what brings you both here? Last time I check Keila's next appointment was supposed to be next week?" Doc Dina looked at us with a confused look and my sister being so excited to know my baby's gender, squealed at her.

"We're here to know the gender of the baby, Dina." Camille and Doc Dina were close friends that's why she's not calling her doc.

"Oh I see, so shall we get started then by the looks of the face of auntie Camille she badly wants to know baby's gender." I laughed at Doc Dina who is teasing Camille and my sister just giggled at her.

I then walked towards the bed and lay there while Doc Dina prepares the ultrasound machine. She then lifted my shirt and started applying the gel on my stomach.

"Okay I'm now gonna check what gender you're having, Do you want to know now? or just Camille?" She asked and I shook my head for a no.

"Just Camille she wants to plan the baby shower and everything you know Excited Auntie." I joked and she giggled and started circling the probe on my belly.

My mind wandered into thinking what's gonna happen next, now that we're here in Spain and Oqueño's here too I fear that this on-going war might endanger more people.

As long as there's a feud among the organizations the kids aren't safe the future of my unborn child and Cyryx is at stake. I hope that going here will end all this war once and for all.

"Okay we're done, I'll go and give you a copy of the ultrasound and the baby's gender if you excuse me and wait for a bit." Dina said and Camille and I nodded. I sat down on the bed and grabbed a tissue to wipe off the gel.

"Hey you okay? I noticed that you're lost in your thoughts." She asked and I sighed and got up from the bed.

"It's just that I'm really worried of what comes next, I know Caleb's doing everything he can for the safety of our family but I can't stop thinking of the underlying dangers that may come." I told her and she caressed my shoulder. I just couldn't help but worry and my emotions are more sensitive now that I'm pregnant.

"It is what it is sis, but hey I know that for sure this will end Caleb and our Kent leads the organization for the people and for our safety and that's enough reason why we must also be strong. It's for them sis, we also play a big role for peace that Caleb, Kent and most especially Dad who fights hard for us." She said which made me smile, she's right being strong for them helps them feel a little more at ease knowing that we trust them with all our heart and we are here for them through thick and thin.

"Thanks sis you always know the right words and advice to make me feel better." I said and hugged her.

After a while of hugging each other we smiled at each other. Seeing her smile like this brings back so many memories when we were younger. I'm lucky enough to have Camille as my twin and I'm proud to tell the world that I'm this brave and kind woman's sister.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, here's the result and I hope to see you on your appointment Kei." Dina said and handed and envelop to Camille.

"See you soon Doc, and thanks gor today." I told her and she waved at us as we are now approach to exit the room.

A wave of relief came to me once everything's done.

Caleb's POV
We are now tailing Oqueño to see how many men he's got and if we can, we would spy on them to learn more of what's their plan.

"You ready?" Kent asked and I nodded.

"I'm ready to stop this once and for all." I whispered and hurriedly grab my guns and placed it on the holster of may pants.

"Well then here we go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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