Serra found herself among the privileged 150 students accepted into these specialized classes, a testament to her demonstrated talent and unwavering dedication. As the principal's oratory unfolded, Serra reflected on the profound implications of her choices and the exhilarating journey that lay ahead. Meanwhile, Zerena, seated beside her, remained engrossed in her phone, casually inflating a chewing gum balloon—an inconspicuous spectacle in the grand tapestry of academic fervor.

The principal's discourse delved into the university's quest for excellence, navigating the delicate balance between attracting talent and fostering an environment conducive to holistic growth. NST's pursuit of academic distinction was underscored by the recruitment of renowned professors and the cultivation of an atmosphere where creativity and innovation could flourish.

The narrative of NST's ascent painted a vivid picture of strategic investments, scholarships, and a commitment to creating an ecosystem where students could transcend the ordinary. The 150 students admitted to the specialized classes were hailed as torchbearers of this vision, poised to elevate the university's standing in the academic realm.

As the principal concluded, leaving the audience with a sense of purpose and anticipation, Serra and Zerena exchanged glances that resonated with shared enthusiasm for the journey ahead. The academic path that stretched before them held the promise of discovery, growth, and the forging of lasting connections.

Amidst the academic fervour, the duo prepared to navigate the challenges of NST, each with their unique aspirations and dreams. The stage was set for a transformative journey, where the architecture of knowledge intersected with the individual narratives of students, weaving a rich tapestry that would define their academic legacy at NST.

As the principal wrapped up his speech, the students began to disperse.

"I'm doing honors in biology, and you?" Zerena asked, walking alongside Serra.

"Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in photography," Serra replied.

"Oh, so you're the type who clicks pictures of models, buildings, and nature?"

"Photography is an art to create images; there are many types like portrait photography, photojournalism, fashion photography, sports photography, still life photography, editorial photography, and architectural photography."

"Which one are you majoring in?"

"We will be studying every major in our semesters. I like still life, editorial, and architectural photography and plan to do masters in them. By the way, you're the one who cuts animals while wearing lab coats, right?"

"They dissect them with proper sanitation, and I'm studying microbiology."

"Same difference," they both chuckled.

They exchanged numbers, walking and talking about university and each other. Zerena, living in a university dormitory with another girl, shared her love for jazz, chocolates, and cookies. Serra, in turn, excitedly told her about her mother, a baker. They soon separated, heading to their respective classes.

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