Every Second, Every Thought, I'm In So Deep; But I'll Never Show It On My Face

Start from the beginning

"He hugged me, he consoled me. I-I cried a bit, to be honest. It was a lot to take in, at the time. You had it worse, I can imagine." The alpha chuckles, and Felix nods quietly. He remembers how he had felt when his mother told him too, how he'd spent hours crying with his brother, running off into the woods and hoping it was all a nightmare. At least he had someone, a brother, a brother-in-law to help him out, but Hyunjin? He had no one. 

"I can't say things got better between us, but there was a small, very faint bit of hope. Jeongin reassured me that he'd stay by my side, and I was happy with that. A friend sound great at that moment. It wasn't anything like how we were kids, but it was something."

Hyunjin pauses a bit to catch his breath, before letting out a small laugh. It wasn't a happy one, it was one of amusement, and a bit bitter too.

"Oh, that was all before you came into the picture. I hated you, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't deny that you were pretty. No one could. It was no surprise when Jeongin started drifting away, spending hours sighing and stealing glances at you. And when he finally got the chance to talk to you?" Hyunjin says with a begrudging tone, scoffing a bit after. "He wouldn't stop gushing about how cute, or adorable you were, how nice and angelic you were with the townspeople, he wouldn't stop. He knew I hated you, so he thought that I wouldn't mind it, but I did. I became jealous." Hyunjin continues, sighing at the end. Felix tilts his head in confusion. 

"Stupid, I know. I hated you so much, but then I got jealous when you got along with people? When my best friend had more fun with you than he did with me? That you fit in so perfectly, even when you lived here for barely a month? I don't know why I was jealous, but it just gave me reason to hate you more." Hyunjin answers the omega's silent question, to which he receives a small hum. He feels a light weight on his shoulder, the smell of vanilla and strawberry shampoo tickling his nose.

"I couldn't figure myself out, and I didn't want to either, so I just began distancing myself. And it only made me madder when Jeongin only took that as a chance to get closer to you. You meant a lot to him, Felix. You probably didn't see it then, but Jeongin... he should tell you the rest himself." Hyunjin stopped himself from elaborating too much, leaning his head on top of the omega's. Felix stopped playing with Hyunjin's fingers, suddenly letting realization dawn over him.

"You don't mean that he-" Felix began, pausing before he could complete the sentence. The alpha didn't speak a word as a response, but he gave a small nod. The blonde male's eyes widened, his breath hitching.

"But... that couldn't be..." Felix tried to deny it himself, although he couldn't bring himself to believe it. It would make sense.

"He'll tell you soon, I know he's been trying to tell you." Hyunjin mumbles softly, his hand carding through the blonde hair and trying to reassure the omega. Felix doesn't speak another word, lost in his own thoughts. The alpha understands his dilemma, and lets the silence sink comfortably over them. 


Hyunjin was right, and fortunately, Felix had thought well enough over it. 

They were out in the gardens, playing with the triplets when Jeongin had silently appeared by the fountain, a nervous look on his face as he stared at the royal family. Felix was too busy trying to get the grass out of Hyunmi's hair that Hyunjin was the first to notice, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Felix had turned back to see the servant waiting by the fountain, glancing at him with anxiously before looking at the pack alpha. They shared a silent look before Hyunjin told his husband to go the nervous male, taking the triplet's attention off their mother for awhile. 

And here he was, standing in front of the black-haired male, behind the castle entrance to the garden. 

"Hyung must have told you, I assume." Jeongin begins, his eyes focused on anything but the omega in front of him. Felix doesn't know how to respond, but with a nod.

"Not everything, Jeongin. He wanted you to tell me yourself." Felix answers shortly, and the servant frowns, noticing the use of his birth name. 

"There's not much I can say, your highness. From whatever hyung told you, it should've been obvious. I like you, you majesty. I had when I first met you, and... I still do." Jeongin says, letting out a long sigh after. He doesn't look up, not wanting to see the look of horror? Anger? Whatever repulsive expression it was on the Luna's face. 

Felix keeps quiet for a few seconds too long, before tilting the servant's face towards him with a finger. It was hesitant, and the anxiousness settling over the pair could be suffocating to witness.

"I'm not mad at you...Innie. It was really brave of you to tell me." Felix says softly, as a reassurance. The servant only stares at him with wide eyes, clouding with nervousness and despair. 

"But- Your majesty- I-" Jeongin begins, only to get cut off by a sudden force hitting his chest, and two arms wrapping around him. It takes him a second to realize that the smaller blonde male in hugging him, and his entire body freezes like a statue in surprise and astonishment. It takes him a while, but he reciprocates the hug soon after, closing his eyes and trying to calm himself down. 

"I'm not mad, or disappointed in you. I'm glad you told me, Innie. Trust me when I say that. I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner, and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it. But I don't want to lose you as a friend, or a dongsaeng." Felix mumbles, separating from the hug with a small smile. 

"But I... How can we be friends when..."You'll find someone right for you, Innie. You'll find someone so worthy, so perfect of being your partner, and they'll make you happier than you ever have been." Felix assures him with a soft voice, and it seems to calm him down. 

"So you're not throwing me out of the castle?"

"No, silly. Why would I do that?" Felix laughs, a happy cheerful one. He looks at the black-haired male with a wide smile, and the boy reciprocates the gesture. It had been too long since they got to share a moment like this.

"But there is one condition though." Felix pauses, and the taller male blinks, his smile dropping in concern. 

"You have to invite me to your wedding when you find your special person." Felix grins, and the servant male rolls his eyes, chuckling. 

"Yeah, Yeah... Now go before your husband and kids start whining for their mommy." Jeongin teases, making the omega nod before freezing, realizing the second meaning to the sentence. His eyes grow wide, aghast at the implication. 

"YANG JEONG- "Oops gotta go clean the stables~" Jeongin sing-songs, laughing maniacally before running out out the area, cackling evilly. 

Word Count: 2164

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Word Count: 2164

AN: Chapter Title - Secret Love Song by Little Mix ft Jason Derulo. 

Yay new chapter! And finally we get some answers on Jeongin and his mysterious moments. Actually, when I started making this book, Felix and Jeongin were actually supposed to start dating before Hyunjin started making moves on him, but I just figured that would make things a whole lot weirder for the kids so I ditched that idea. But yeah, Jeongin did have feelings for Felix. But not to worry! He'll find his love soon! And we might get a sneak peak at who it is towards the end. Thank you for reading! Stay safe <3

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