Chapter 21

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Sorry if I was gone too long. School had me busy as heck, anyway here's the new chapter


Arcee: Let's move!

I open my wings and took to the skies while the others ran on the ground. I provided air support until we made it out of the canyon that's when the biggest of Unicron's clones appeared, I transform and land beside the others.

Bumblebee: Bzz Buzz?

Titus: No that is not Unicron himself just another clone.

Bulkhead: If we can't beat him or outrun him. What exactly are we supposed to do?

Optimus: All we can do, neutralize his vessels as they appear until we find a way to destroy him without destroy the very Earth upon which we walk.

I grab out my machine gun and fired a barrage of energon blasts at the clone. Optimus and I focused on the front while the others attacked from behind but they soon got knocked away. I put away my machine gun then switched both my hands into Plasma cannon, I focus all the Dark energon I have into the cannons the fired shot after shot at the clone. It tried to hit me with it's Mace but I jump out of the way.

The clone turns around then sends me flying as it striked it's spiked spear into the ground near me. I stand up to see Optimus pinned down by some boulders and was about to be crushed by the clones foot.

Titus: NO!!!

Unicron: I am this world's past and it's future and as of this moment all Primes are simply past.

Before he could crush Optimus, he's suddenly shot from behind and falls to the ground. I stand next to the others wondering what in the world just happened.

Bumblebee: Bizz Bee Bez?

Arcee: Wasn't me.

Bulkhead: Me neither.

Titus: Ratchet?

Ratchet: What is it? What happened?

Megatron: I happened.

We look at the top of the destroyed clone to see Megatron standing there. He jumps down and lands in front of us.

Bulkhead: Megatron?!

Miko: King Con's there too?

Ratchet: He has aligned himself with Unicron.

Arcee: Don't be so sure, Megatron just saved Optimus' tailpipe.

Megatron walks up to Optimus and points his blaster at him. We deploy our blasters ready to shoot but instead of shooting Megatron presents his hand to Optimus then helped him stand up.

Megatron: It is rather ironic considering our last encounter, if memory serves you were desperately attempting to extinguish my spark.

Optimus: That option remains very much in play.

Megatron: I would expect nothing less. However I have a proposal, join me in defeating our shared enemy. Unicron the Chaos bringer.

Ratchet: Ha absurd! Unicron is evil incarnate if Megatron was to take any side why would it be ours?

Titus: Because Megatron's pride like many other Warlords would never allow anyone other than himself to rule this planet.

Megatron looks at me with curious optics, I glare at him with my purple optics and held my sword in my right hand.

Megatron: Dark energon? But you have something different, something powerful.

Titus: Keep your curiosity to yourself.

He frowns then turned to Optimus.

Megatron: You know me all too well.

Bulkhead: You lead an army of Cons why come to us?

Megatron: Because this particular endeavor requires something beyond the realm of my command. The power of a prime.

He points at me and Optimus.

Bulkhead: Well I guess we don't need you.

Megatron: On the contrary, Optimus and Titanicus may be the only ones who can defeat Unicron but I remain the only one who can guide you to him.

Arcee: What about Titus?

Titus: Even though I have Dark energon as one of my power sources now, I can only call upon it's chaotic power.

Megatron: Where as I can hear Unicrons thoughts, know his every move. Optimus our past alliances. Autobot, Decepticon no longer matter not while Unicron lives.

Ratchet: The past always matters!

I nod as Optimus and Megatron talked I felt something hit my foot. I look down to see the pieces of the destroyed clone reforming back together.

Titus: Not to disturb but we have a problem. Ratchet ground bridge now!

The ground bridge appears and the others complain about opening a direct path to our base in front of Megatron and about him actually helping us.

Megatron: Haha, hardly my nature. Consider my offer, I shall keep it busy.

He transforms and began attacking the clone. I grab Optimus and we run through the ground bridge.

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