Chapter 19

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After what felt like a eternity my optics finally online, I look around and saw that I was in Ratchet's medical bay. I get off the berth and made my way to the main chamber.

Arcee: Bulkhead, you let Optimus face Megatron alone?!

It would seem that Arcee is mad about something.

Bulkhead: I didn't have a choice.

I make it to the main chamber and saw Arcee berating Bulkhead. My heavy footsteps announce my presence in the room, Ratchet rushes over to me and did a medical scan.

Ratchet: You have a few still healing injuries but you're stable enough to fight.

Titus: What happened?

Arcee: You tell us. When we received your distress beacon, we rushed over to your location as fast as possible.

Bulkhead: When we found ya, you looked like a pile of scrap metal.

Ratchet: We had to use almost all of our energon to heal you.

Bumblebee: Bzz bee buzz?

Titus: I'll explain later. Where is Optimus?

Ratchet: Fighting Megatron. I've just locked on to his signa- Wait, how is this possible?

Arcee: What is it?

I look at Ratchet's monitor and my optics widen, that is way too much dark energon.

Titus: Ratchet activate the ground bridge we need to get him out of there!

The ground bridge appears and we run through. I saw Megatron on top of Optimus and he was about to kill him, I grab out my energon sword and hit Megatron off of Optimus with it. I look down at my sword and found it having a purple glow surrounding it. I raise an eyebrow but focused more on getting Optimus out of here.

Titus: Bulkhead, fall back now!

Bulkhead rushes over to the bridge and ran through, Ratchet then closed the ground bridge before Megatron could get any closer. I help Optimus to the medical berth to let him rest, he has been exposed to a lot of dark energon.

Jack: Megatron found more of the dark stuff?

Arcee: A volcano full.

Bulkhead: The question is, how?

Ratchet: No. The question is what. As in what in the world is the blood of Unicron doing here on Earth?

Titus: Because Unicron is here on Earth.

Arcee: How are you sure?

Titus: When I left the base, I fought him.

Ratchet: Impossible. You're saying that you fought Unicron and lived?

Titus: Not the original but a clone of him, it looked weak but I was proven wrong when it beat me to an inch of my life. When I could no longer fight back it placed something into my spark chamber.

I look down at my chest and watched as it gave off a purple glow but there was a tiny bit of blue in there as well.

Ratchet: Well whatever it is it looked like the Matrix of leadership.

Raf: Matrix of leadership, what's that?

Optimus: It is the collected wisdom of the original Thirteen Primes.

Titus: Optimus carries it within him as he was recognized as a true Prime and the last of them, when I left Cybertron.

Agent Fowler: Prime, do you copy?

Optimus: I hear you Agent Fowler.

Agent Fowler: Been watching the news? Mother nature's got a twitch in her britches.

Ratchet walks over to the monitors and pulls up the information Agent Fowler sent.

Optimus: We know about the volcano.

Agent Fowler: And the quakes? Seven major tumblers at the exact same time magnitude at the exact same time as that volcanic eruption. All over the globe, in different tectonic plates and completely unrelated if they hadn't happened-

Ratchet: At the exact same time.

Miko: Check it out more good news.

We look at the news report and saw all the chaos that was happening around the world, the purple glow in my chest grew brighter as I continued to watch. I growl a bit already knowing who was to blame for this.

Agent Fowler: Don't tell me the Cons have built a weather machine.

Titus: No. This is not the Decepticons. The earthquakes originated far below the Earth's crust.

Ratchet: From the center of the Earth's core in fact.

Agent Fowler: Earthquakes don't start there. Do they?

Ratchet: Tiny tremors rising and falling in a consistent pattern. Almost like....

Ratchet trails off as we all listened to the tremors.

Titus: It's a spark pulse. The Earth's core isn't surrounded by magma but dark energon, that is why this world had a large dark energon reading when I arrived and if the prophecy is true then Unicron's return is upon us.

Agent Fowler: Then how do we stop this thing from rising?

Titus: Only a Prime from the original Thirteen or the bearer of the Matrix can stop Unicron.

Optimus began explaining how my siblings and I stopped Unicron before but I wouldn't say I helped, I'm not one of the Thirteen but I am still a Prime. Everyone looked at me when he was done explaining.

Miko: How old are you?

Titus: Well the First being to ever exist has no age since it's uncountable, Primus is over a Trillion light years alongside Unicron. My siblings before they joined the Allspark were in their early Millions as for me I'm only 4 hundred thousand years old, so I'm still a Sparkling in my father's optics.

I smile and laugh a little at everyone's shocked faces, I'm 4 hundred thousand years old and still seen as a growing Sparkling.

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