Jeno eyed her with his head still on his book just to make sure she could sit safely. And when she did, his attention came back to his book.

"That's the only choice you have for now."

"I know and I'm not complaining. I just needed air..." She sighed.

Jeno closed his book and placed it on a table. His gaze moved towards Eight and examined her causing Eight to chuckle.

"I know that look." She smiled. "I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine." Jeno opposed.

Eight lightly shook her head with a smile and focused on the full moon shining in the sky.

"If you wanna say anything, I have time." Jeno said as he crossed his legs.

Silence followed.

"I can't seem to escape from it..." Eight paused wondering if she's doing the right thing by speaking up. A response was not heard from Jeno. He wanted her to speak without being interrupted by him. "My past." She gave Jeno a glance only to be met with his eyes.

He had his attention to her.

Eight felt shy but deep inside she knew her heart was happy. It was the first time someone was listening to her.

"Every time I remind myself that I'm strong and I'm capable of leaving everything behind, that's when I start to question myself even more. I can't break free from it. Of course, I want to... but it's slowly killing me inside. I don't know what to do, Jeno. I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing now. I didn't even think I'd reach this age. I thought I'd be dead by eighteen... I have nothing left anyways." She blurted out. There was a guilt inside her constantly telling her to keep everything to herself, she knew she didn't deserve any comfort. She was afraid she was a bothersome to Jeno.

"There's really no answer to your questions. In this world, we always have to move forward no matter what. That's the reality we're facing, but I want you to know that you're not alone... you'll never be again—starting now, because you have us. I hope you remember that." Jeno offered her a faint smile. Eight looked away feeling shy. "And starting now, I hope you'd be more open to us... or to me. We'd—I'd like to know you better, Eight. You can't keep hiding from us." Jeno added as he looked away picking up his book on the table.

"Tell me what you wanna know then." Eight challenged jokingly giving him a smirk.

"Name." He replied.

"Eight. Didn't I tell you that-"

"Your real one." Once again, they locked eyes. Eight felt intimidated with his sudden mood change.

"Let's not go that far." Eight cleared her throat blinking faster that usual.

"Will you always be this secretive?" He questioned as his eyebrows slowly met each other. "Who really are you? Even calling you 'Eight' does not feel right." Jeno paused. "You got in the group for I was impressed by your moves but where did you even learn all that? What family are you from? What kind of place did you grow up on? I'm so fucking curious, Eight. I badly want to know you." Jeno looked like he was desperate.

"I... I could tell you anything aside from that please..."She felt embarrassed.

"I just can't understand you."

"Just trust me."

"How can I fucking trust you if I don't know anything about you?" His tone raised.

He noticed that he was now the closest he has been with Eight. Eight's heartbeat was faster than usual while Jeno had his eyes locked onto her.

Jeno felt furious. Slowly, tension was building up.

Eight felt the same way. She knew he made a point but she couldn't say anything.

'Damn it!'

She thought.

Out of anger, Eight's hand grabbed on his shirt causing him to move closer to her. "You really wanna know me?" Eight asked with her eyes still on his, both with darkened gaze. "Fucking know me then." She whispered pulling his face closer to her until their lips touched.

Jeno was surprised by her sudden action but he immediately closed his eyes and took control. His hand snaked her neck pushing her closer to him and deepening the kiss. Eight was slightly startled by Jeno's aggression.

Jeno's other hand travelled through her body until it stopped on her chest. It travelled down slowly until her breast was grabbed by him causing her to moan and open her mouth, Jeno quickly took the opportunity and slid his tongue in hers. Eight now had a smile on her lips. She slowly followed Jeno's actions devouring his sweetness.

Everything went on fast but to them it felt like a whole hour. As they pulled away, Jeno looked like he still desired for more. "I've been wanting to do that." He said. His face was seen brighter than usual.

"I've been holding myself too."

A sudden change of the atmosphere followed. Both looked away feeling awkward with what they did.

The two remained on their position watching the moon together. Eight felt like it was unreal but every time their eyes lock she's only reminded of what they did. This time, Eight felt happiness without guilt.

A/N: 👀

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