✾𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽 ✾

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You woke up with blurry vision. You heard beeping of some sort of machining and had a horrible headache. You could tell more clearly it was a hospital when you woke up . You saw that there was an attractive man standing near your bed.he noticed you and said "good thing your awake I honestly thought you where dead when I saw you on the side of the road...may I ask what happened to you ma'm" you where surprised he was the one that helped you.. and that he stayed you quickly snapped out of it and answered "I went to a friends house but when I was on my way home-" you stopped for a second with hesititation in your voice before answering "some strange..man pulled me into an alley of some sort and uhm..-" "It okay..I get it I'll go tell the doctor your awake!" He said about to walk away before stopping and looking at you " oh! I remember someone named him what was it.... Oliver calling you" he stopped for a minute before continuing again" I don't want to seem nosy or annoying. But I answered it and he sounded worried but I told him I found you and explained how I took you too a hospital" he said looking at you. He seemed like he was waiting for you to yell " oh uh okay thanks for letting them know I'm okay but how long ago was this??" He seemed shocked and almost stuttered as he spoke " oh hum it was uh about I wanna say 3 minutes before you woke up" "oh okay and thank you very much for saving me" no problemo I go get the doctor now be back!" He walked away as you watched you felt as if you knew him for a while but you only just met him.
Your thought got interrupted by your phone ringing it was Oliver. You quickly answered "hey..." "y/n'!!! You okay !!" "Yea sorry but luckily I got saved by a kind stranger" " yea.. we'll do you know what hospital your in??" "Uhm I'm not real sure yet but it seams like it's the one just off of waterfall blvd. " "oh okay well we'lol come visit you" okay see you soon i Guess" you said hanging up before the doctor came in with the stranger

A while later you finished talking to the doctor as Nsb came inside your hospital room "are you okay y/n?" They all asked "haha yea I am now" "what happened?" I few asked "I was just tired I guess and fainted" you said glancing at the stranger who brought you here "oh okay" Oliver said averting his gaze to the stranger "hey I'm Oliver you must have been the person who helped her" he said holding out his hand " yea nice to meet you Oliver, im Noah" he replied as he shook Oliver's hand and everyone started introducing themselves.

Soon after talking for a little Noah (the stranger ) had left and I was about to get discharged. "Hey y/n do you need a ride home?" Justin asked "sure !" I quickly responded not waking to walk alone again. So after changing out of the hospital gown  we all walked to their car and drove to my house " what one is it ?" Oliver asked as he was observing all the houses on my street "it's the one right there" I said pointing out to my house "oh okay" he turned into the driveway and I got out waving goodbye.

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