Chapter 23

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I'm a bit afraid that my writing style is drastically different in this chapter since I've been reading more modern books than classics, so take this chapter as a "Spot the Difference". (Also, if you guys haven't, you should totally read It Ends With Us and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I'm emotionally attached to them rn.)

Dark Cacao had found a cozy spot near a thin part of the stream while (Y/N) was still asleep. Crossing his legs in the multicolored pebbles, he presented a small bundle of berries he had hand-picked from the bushes.

(Y/N) looked down at the sweets and couldn't help but murmur in delight.

"I woke up a little earlier than you did," he said "so I thought, 'Why not prepare breakfast in bed?' Well, I guess there really isn't any beds out here but... y'know."

"I guess you Cacao people just really love breakfast in bed. The smidge of time I spent being a patient in your castle? Breakfast in bed. Every. Single. Day."

"I should've remembered."

She reached for a smaller berry, a more reddish hue coated to the rotund fruit. Dark Cacao reached out, coincidentally, to a purplish one.

"You like everything purple, don't you?" (Y/N) pointed out sarcastically. "Purple clothes, purple kingdom, purple eyes. You're very color coordinated."

He chuckled softly before he swallowed a piece of the berry. "I guess I'm just so used to the color that I can't handle being related to any other."

"But you're wearing tons of colors right now!" she laughed. He looked down and pretended to be defeated.

"I guess I broke my own rules," he grinned, taking another bite.

"You're not breaking your rules, Dark Cacao."

He looked at her with one brow arched. "Who's rules am I breaking then?"

"You know who," she tried to joke.

His face suddenly hardened and (Y/N) panicked. Did I go to far with that one? I'm so dumb, of course his father is a sensitive subject.

"I like to spite him every now and then, yeah," he whispered, slowly going back to pick up another jelly berry. (Y/N) cringed at her mistake.

A heavy silence fell over them as they ate, staring at the fish that zipped past like leaves caught in the wind.

It was already bad enough that she had just had a bad dream. No, more like a nightmare. Scratch that too, it was an awful reality. But she knew she couldn't talk about it in the moment. It was such a nice morning, why would she want to ruin it? Never mind, (Y/N) thought. I've already screwed it up from a horrible joke.

"So," the prince spoke up first, "was it nice to finally sleep in a somewhat-safe-but-not-100%-sure-that-it's-safe place last night?"

She shrugged, looking at the bite mark in her fruit. "I guess it wasn't anything different from my journeys to get here. You'd be surprised what I had to do to get some shut-eye out in the wilderness, exposed and alone."

"I'd love to hear about the craziest place you slept at," he said, regaining eye contact with her.

"Do you really want to know?"

The prince curtly nodded, taking a bite out of his breakfast without breaking eye contact like a toddler that makes you uncomfortable in public.

"I'm warning you, it's a little bit different than what you expect."

"I've heard many horror stories before, nothing makes me bat an eye nowadays."

That's a lie, she thought.

My Fair Lady (Dark Cacao Cookie x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now