Chapter 16

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The wind refused to let down as the impending blizzard swirled violently around them.

Both Dark Cacao and (Y/N) were mounted atop the steed they had escaped the kingdom with, traveling at a speed that made the thin trees blur past. (Y/N), however, was too busy stuffing her face into the prince's shoulder to stop the stinging sensation of cold biting her eyes and cheeks.

"What the hell was that noise back there?!" (Y/N) screamed.

"The only explanation is a werehound got mad," Dark Cacao grunted as their horse vaulted over a fallen tree, steadily landing. "I've gotten in a couple of fights with those thing when I went hunting out here."

(Y/N) took a moment to calculate what he meant. If he knows that a rumble in the earth is werehound defense... does that mean-

"You're telling me that they're already this close to us?!" (Y/N) shrieked, looking up from his shoulder.

She yelped again as she felt the earth disappear beneath them for a split second, only to meet with the ground again. She hated the way how reckless he was controlling the horse around the wild terrain.

"I think they moved during the day, when we were hiding in the cave. They know the land better than I ever could out here," he sharply turned the horse left around a steep ledge. "I just didn't think that they would make it to our spot this fast."

"We're closing in on the mountain's border..." (Y/N) looked up through the thick foliage of branches, spotting the silhouette of the grand mountains signaling their end.

"I'm going to try and find us a new place to hide, okay? We need to get out of the open fast before we freeze to death."

She nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her. Her head went down back into his shoulder and she closed her eyes, waiting for the journey to be over as the flurries relentlessly tried to knock them off their course.

But then she heard something she wasn't expecting to hear above the chaos.


(Y/N) looked back up, her eyes squinting to see in the white dust that was thickening rapidly. As her eyes adjusted, she saw movements of shapes flittering around them like black spots.

She continued to watch as the swarm grew, sometimes swooping in right next to her face just centimeters away.

"What the-?" Dark Cacao exclaimed, taking quick notice of the animals going in a frenzy.

(Y/N) started to panic, swatting over of her arms to scare the birds away from swooping so close to them both, but to no avail. Dark Cacao ducked closer towards his horse as he tried desperately not to lose balance from being disoriented.

"These birds are gonna-!" (Y/N) trailed off, surprised as she felt the flock dissipate suddenly. Her eyes shifted, looking around the see the birds changing their formation from flying at them to flying with them.

They flew low and close, yet just enough to give them enough space to not feel crowded. The wind seemed to die down around them as the shell of birds protected them, buffering the violent winds from getting through. Dark Cacao and (Y/N) looked around, bewildered by why they were behaving like this. But the birds never reacted to their confusion with a look nor a blink.

"Just keep going..." (Y/N) muttered.

Now halfway protected from the weather, their horse calmed down, steadying its pace as it continued down their confused path.

Later down their journey, the birds started to swerve, pushing the horse to turn in a strange direction. Dark Cacao panicked, trying to get the horse back on track, but it whinnied in protest and obeyed the bird's pressure. As they continued on, the birds kept showing the horse to a set path, turning and twisting around rough areas in the land and ignoring the annoyed commands from the prince.

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