A Secret Kept Once More

Start from the beginning

Gwaine returns back and they all sleep through the night.


Morning comes and the group wake up and eat the fish Merlin previously froze.

Gwaine: Y'know Merlin, this magic thing isnt so bad after all. (With his mouth full) Can you magic me some chicken though?

Merlin laughs and shakes his head.

Lacelot: You expect too much Gwaine.

Arthur laughs as does Elyan.

They finish eating and head off, to save repeating, Merlin enlightens Elyan and Gwaine about things he has done while Arthur and Lancelot pitch in as they feel proud to know already. They all laugh and exchange stories, questions and answers.

Night eventually falls again, the last night theyll have to spend in the forest. As tomorrow they will reach Camelot.

The knights settled down once again and it doesnt take them long to drop off, Merlin and Arthur wait for this and then sit closer like the previous night.

Merlin: Tomorrow we'll reach Camelot.

Arthur: That we will, I'm excited to see the reactions of these three returning.

Merlin: Gwen will be so happy.

Arthur smile and nods. Merlin is silent for a moment.

Merlin: Do you really not think of Gwen anymore?

Arthur looks at Merlin then away.

Arthur: Its strange, but no... I appreciated our time together. We supported each other through and through, the love was real but.. It wasnt meant to be.

Merlin: So if Lancelot got with Gwen you wouldnt care?

Silently listening is Lancelot. He is eyes closed but very awake and listening closely. He awoke to hearing them talk about Gwen he did not hear their previous conversation.

Arthur: In all honesty Merlin. I couldn't think of anyone I'd be more happy with to be with her.

Lancelot opens his eyes wide. His back is turned to Merlin and Arthur so it is still unnoticed that Lancelot is awake.

Merlin: He does really love her.

Arthur: And she loves him... I hope the two rekindle.

Merlin smiles.

Arthur smiles also.

Lancelot releases one tear and smiles and closes his eyes with content.

Arthur: I know Gwaine and Elyan have been asking most of the trip, and youre probably exhausted... But can I see some of your magic?

Merlin: Any requests?

Arthur: Hmmm something.... Fierce.

Merlin tilts his head and glares as he was hoping for a pretty spell.

Merlin: If you say so.

Arthur chuckles and sits back and watches. Merlin looks on the ground and sees two sticks that look like they have arms and legs. He articulates them and makes them appear to fight with swords, but the swords are just more sticks.

Arthur: (Sarcastic) Thats... Extremely Fierce Merlin.

Merlin: Well everyones asleep I cant exactly put on a show.

Arthur chuckles again and lays down looking up at Merlin.

Merlin looks down at him and smiles, they havent had chance to be close or even kiss since the knights returned, it is effecting them both, but neither one speaks out.

Arthur holds his hand out and strokes Merlins leg. Merlin watches intensely at this. Arthur watching his hand also moves it slowly up Merlins thigh.

Merlin gulps and Arthur looks at Merlin, he then takes his hand away and smiles.

Arthur: Getting ahead of myself, I'm sorry.

Merlin: No no... I feel the same... When we get back to Camelot I'm sure things will be.... Easier.

Arthur nods and Merlin lays down again making sure not to be too close to Arthur.

The two look at each other and their fingers once again barely touching as they fall sound asleep.

Hello, I hope everyone is well, I'm staying up pretty late to write these so if there is any spelling or grammar errors I do apologise, when I started I went through and checked it was all okay but I'm so tired i struggle to do that now but i hope you enjoy all the same! (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)

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