Evan bursts trough the door breaking me out of my spiraling thoughts. "Get dressed and down in the living room now! Were going somewhere for a little while." Evan yelled.

 Quickly i jumped out of bed and got some clothes, wondering what hes talking about. As soon as i finished dressing Evan grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs, i was used to his rough treatment, but with the strength he was using to grab me, it still hurt. At the bottem of the stairs i noticed the other tree guys - whos names i still cant remember - standing in a line with their packed bags in their hands, Deven was standing next to then but didnt have a bag. I was really curious now and on the verge of asking questions when Evan spoke up again.

"Is everyone ready?" he questioned. Their were grunts and mumbles in reply which i took as a yes. " Now when meeting the general you all must behave, we dont need anyone elses death to be blamed on me. Do exactly as i sy and dont speak unless your spoken to and you'll live. At least for a little while." Evan smirked while saying the last sentence, but all the other guys seemed more alert and even a little scared. Evan turned to me and gave me a hard glare, "That goes for you too girl, do whatever he says and look at him when he speaks to you." i nodded and looked away.

He doesnt even say my name anymore which is bad but i still have a question to ask, "Umm Evan..." I started hesitantly, "Whos the general and where are we going?"

He looked at me and smiled and slimy, evil smile. "We are going to drop these three dumba$$es off, and the general is the person who controls us all, the person who decides our fate. Hes one of the lead guys in the Mafia, and your worst nightmare."

Wishing i had never asked that question i gulped and nodded. He whipped the smile off his face and turned the the other people. "Now that weve got that cleared up move it!" Evan yelled pionting at the door. I scurried along knowing that im leading myself into my own death.


We got to the generals home a little over 3 hrs later and I was tiered of having to sit quietly and look out the window. There was big black old fashioned gates in front of it with an intercom on it. They asked who we were and Evan did some voice checks and finger prints before we got on the property. I gasped when i saw the mansion, It was huge, but also had a bit of a creepy feel to it that made it very intimidating. It was made of gray bricks, with huge windows everywhere. The yard was cut to perfection and very green with many bushes and trees popping up anywhere. There was a long driveway that led up to two big wooden doors with old-fashioned knockers on them. The sky was darkening and clouding over to give the house a mysterious look. We drove up the driveway and were dropped off at the door. Evan got out and gave the keys to a butler, so they could park the car around back. 

All the others walked up the steps leading to the doors, but i just stood looking at them with fearful eyes, the enormity of the situation finally coming to me. I was about to enter the lead mafia persons house - where he most likely tortured people, killed people, and kept the bodies off the people that that has happened to.What if he tryed to hurt me? What if i did something wrong and was killed? What if ... I was cut off by someone grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me towards the door.

The door were yanked open and one again i gasped at what i saw. I wasnt given as much time to gaze as before, but i still saw how eveything was made of wood. There were beautifully old pictures hanging on the walls accompanied by a line of portraits that im guessing were other generations of this family. On the ceiling was a chandelier that was made of diamonds and gold wires. On each side of the room was a staircase that lead to a balcony that overlooked the area they were in. The balcony had one door on it, and as the guys pulled me up the stairs i assumed that where we were going.

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