Chapter 41: The war begins

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This one contains spoilers from The Umbrella Academy but I changed some parts. Haven't watch this? Go now.


Dicky's POV

Nicky's right, it's too dangerous... We hid behind the car so no one would see us,

Miles: "Should we go closer??"

Ricky: "It's too dangerous!"

Miles: "But I wanna see what they're doing!"

Ricky: "Fine! But don't let anyone see us!"

We were about to go inside, but then I saw the woman who took Dawn with another woman from far away.

Dicky (Me): "Hey guys, I think we shouldn't go there..."

Dawn: "Oh shoot... They're here! Come back!!!"

Everyone went back behind the car hiding from them, we watched them standing only there and Nicky and Diego walk to them.

Mae: "What is Nicky doing??"

Dawn: "Don't know, it's a 'work thing'..."

We only watched them talking but then, the woman with a hat snaps her finger and brought so many people with guns by making them teleport here.

Dad: "Oh no... I think it's worse than the storm!"

Dawn: "I'll go help them!"

All: "No!"

Mom: "It's too dangerous!"

Dawn: "You saw me fight!"

Mae: "But they're too many people, you can't handle by yourself!"

We're still watching the hat-woman holding a red flag, she raises it up and Nicky and Diego was about to run. She drops her flag and the army starts running after them and shoots them!


Some of us went inside the car while others are hiding under it, I was inside the car... Suddenly, Vanya left the barn and she was flying!

Miles: "Yeeah! The most powerful in The Umbrella Academy!"

Ricky: "Powerful but dangerous LET'S GO BEHIND HER BEFORE SHE MAKES US EXPLODE!!!"

We ran through the barn taking cover and went inside it, Vanya made a powerful forcefield that she made everyone FLY backwards and died, however these two women are in a forcefield.

Miles: "How is Lila and this woman unbeatable!?!"

Dawn: "We don't know unless we try!"

And then we saw Lilaaa maybe flying same as Vanya, I guess they're biological twins who have the same powers..."

Ricky: "Oh no this is BAAD!!!"

Dad: "Quick! At the back behind that haybel!"

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