Chapter 33: Training

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Dawn's POV

Dawn (Me): "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

Woman: "I'm the headmaster of the commission to make sure that the timeline doesn't change..."

Dawn (Me): "Why did your daughter kidnapped me??"

Headmaster: "I was about to tell you that I'm the one who sent the notes to your family!"

Dawn (Me): "Why would you do that??"

Headmaster: "Well I thought you wanted to see them!"

Dawn (Me): "And WHY am I HERE??"

Headmaster: "I wanna know you better since you're 'Nicky's' brother... You see, he and I used to work together in here, then I became a headmaster after he left..."

Dawn (Me): "What am I going to do here?? Take his job??"

Headmaster: "Sorry but you're too young to take it"

Dawn (Me): "But Nicky and I have the same age!"

Headmaster: "It's best if you ask him..."

Dawn (Me): "Again, what am I doing here??"

Headmaster: "I could train you to be a good fighter just like Lila for a day"

Dawn (Me): "It takes mooree than a day to fight"

Headmaster: "Do you do acrobatics??"

Dawn (Me): "I do, actually..."

Headmaster: "Then it won't be that hard, after that, I can let you go and find your family... Do we have a deal?"

Even though I'm not a good fighter, I have to train myself so I could save them from danger...

Dawn (Me): "Okay, it's a deal..."

So she took me at the training room and I started to do some acrobatics, it was easy at first, but then she shoots me with a rifle gun and I had to dodge, but I did it anyways. After that, I had to fight her. It gets better when I fight with acrobatics.

Headmaster: "You're a fast learner I see, anything you want to say before you leave?"

Dawn (Me): "I have to talk to Diego first..."

Headmaster: "If you see Lila, just ask her"

I went through halls to find Diego and I just saw him walking fast.

Dawn (Me): "Hey Diego!"

Diego: "Not now lil' girl! I need to go back right now"

Dawn (Me): "And so do I and I'm coming with you!"

Diego: "I know you miss Five or Nicky but you belong where you belong!"

Dawn (Me): "So I'm going to stay here forever?!"

Diego looks at me in blank and changed his mind...

Diego: "You know what, just come with me..."

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