Chapter 1

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I'm late. Again.

It's not that it bothers me, I just know that Courtney is going to give me an ear full about punctuality.

I navigate my feet through the streets of Greyville getting closer to the school.

When the three storey building comes to view all the engery that I had -which is not very much if you're wondering- drains.

I push my second hand black Dr Martin's up the stairs and into the school. There's barely anyone in the hallways.

Just me and the locker, exactly how I like it.

I punch my code into the locker assigned to me and pull out some of the things I might need.

For a Monday morning, it sure is giving me good vibes today.

I walk closer to Mrs Jackson's class which is decorated with too much happiness if you ask me.

The moment the door squeaks open, all eyes turn to me. I'm not main character here, but I know how to grab me some attention.

I groan. And my hard glare navigates it's way to my face.

Half the class stares back at what they were doing. While the other just continue staring.

Some may call those people the popular ones in our school, but in simple terms I call them the low lives.

Mrs Jackson's eyes scold me silently. I just shrug though.

I've been late my entire high school experience, I dont even bother to apologise anymore. It's not like I'm going to do better anyway.

Although that's not true because the only friend I have managed to somehow get me here on time during days she picks me up in.

Speaking of Courtney, I push my feet towards her and her smile brightens.

Many wonder why Courtney is friends with me. So do I.

She is literally the most beautiful girl I know. She is really smart and is really rich.

Where we live, that's all that matter to be the popular girl.

See I live in a small town just off New York called Greyville.

Greyville is a little place with a population of three hundred people. It is basically were some of the richest people in the world live. But that's not were it ends.

Greyville is only small in the numbers of people living in the town. However, this town takes up millions of acres.

We have different sections of houses according to wealth and social hierarchy.

FirstAvenue is the part were you find mansions. People like Courtney live there. They have the best restuarants and even better clothing stores.

Second Avenue is also for the richest. Obviously not as rich as first. But very rich. This is where you find people like Lisa Greene who plays for the tennis team.

Third Avenue is for what they call the middle class.  However they are not very middle to me. As kids like Hailey O'Dell can afford the first pair of Nike that is designed every month.

And then there is my section, Fourth. This is were the poorest of this town live. And by poor I mean can only afford one Bentley and a couple of BMWs.

However that's not the case with my house. Unlike ever household that has a working business man and his working wife or a working business man and his housewife,  I only live with my mother and we barely have a car.

We had one when dad was alive though.

Many often wonder why someone like Courtney would hang out with a girl like me. Well I say fuck many cause we dont give a shit here.

"Marceline you're late." Courtney whispers.

"No Courtney ,you're early."

She grunts but her face is quickly covered with a smile.

"Eww what are you smiling about? Too much happiness for a Monday. "

"I just found that book by Lauren Kate that you talking about." She says squealing.

Yes she and I are complete opposites, but she is the only person in this entire town that I can stand.

Because she is real.

"Hey mom was wondering if youd like to come for dinner?" She says after having a little squealing party.

"Fuck yeah, I love your mom's food. When?"

She chuckles before responding.

"This Saturday."

Before I can respond Mrs Jackson begins talking louder. It seems she has yapping whilst Courtney and I were chatting. How rude Mrs J.

The day goes so fast, at first I am super excited because then it means that I get to get out of here. As I take time to actually think about it. It means that there is less time with every bell chiming that I get to be away from him.

I stare at my feet as I walk, counting every step because honestly it's better than looking at all these fancy and fake ass people around here.

Guess this is what Spongebob and Patrick feel like when they're out of water.

I feel something grip my foot and then in split seconds I'm falling.

Imagine at my damn age, I'm falling.

The moment my body hits the ground I look up.

First of all how the fuck did I get to the cafeteria.  I guess my stomach really has a mind because I am fucking hungry.

Secondly what the fuck?

"Are you okay?" The owner of the leg says.

He pulls me up and I glare at me.

"What the fuck is your foot doing here while your body is over there daddy long legs?" I spit and he only chuckle.

Oh, it's a First Avenue bitch. Colton Raymond. One of the baddest boys in this school.

"I'll take that as a no. I'm sorry Marceline." He says. I growl.

Before I can answer a shadow tower's over me.

"When you're done tell me. I want to head out now." Says the baddest boy in the school. And also Colton's best friend.

He stares down at me and glares.

Well fuck you too tall ass butter stick.

Before I can say anything Courtney walks over to me crying.

Before she says a thing. I already know what the problem is. Or better yet who the problem is.

"I'm going fuck Jared up!"


Here's the first chapter. Leave your thoughts right here. 😭

Help me where I need to improve and please keep reading. I promise it gets good.💅

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Nic275 💘

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