24• The First Ride

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My Hottie Biker: Hey, I have some urgent work. I'll talk to you later on.

She pouted sadly, wishing she could talk to him more.

"I'm tempted to murder his urgent work. Why does it have to come now?" She cried out.

Later, she fell asleep while looking at his photos on her phone and missing him.

Somebody entered her room through the window, wearing a hoodie.

It was non-other than Cole Williams.

He took off his hoodie and a smile flashed on his face when he saw the sleeping beauty. He admired her, standing beside her bed.

"She looks like an Angel while sleeping. How come I had never noticed this Angelic beauty before?" He was completely engrossed in her.

As she felt his presence, she awoke from slumber and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you in my dream?" She asked him.

"Nope." He shook his head, smiling at her.

"So what are you doing in my room because you appear in my dream only at this time? I know this is a dream, and I'm still sleeping." He chuckled after listening to her words.

As he leaned down, her heartbeat accelerated and she just stared at him mutely. "I'm not your dream, my kiddo." As he whispered, gently tucking her hair behind her ear, his warm breath touched her face and a shiver ran down her spine.

After hearing 'my kiddo' from his mouth. She was surprised because he had previously called her 'kiddo' only in annoyance, but this 'my kiddo' sounded so good to her.

'I am now his!' She murmured merrily and her heart leapt.

"So... what-what are you... doing here?" She asked him, stammering because their proximity and his words were making it difficult for her to speak to him. With his searingly intense gaze, he was taking her breath away.

He finally stood straight, and she closed her eyes, sighing.

"I came here to fulfil your wish." As he told her, her brows narrowed in confusion.

"Wish? What wish?" She asked him.

"Did you forget too soon? You just told me that you want to go for a ride with me." Her eyes sparkled with amazement after knowing that he came here at night just to fulfil her wish.

She just stared at him incredulously. 'I just can't believe it. I just told him that I was wondering about it, and he reached here. This is seriously my dream.' She shook her head and pulled the comforter up over her head, convinced she was dreaming.

"Now get up, we have to leave." He said, pulling off the comforter.

"I just can't believe that you are not my dream." She told him, sitting up. She just couldn't believe that her wish was going to fulfil soon, and he was being so sweet to her.

He folded his arms across his chest and asked, raising his brow, "so how do I make you believe?"

"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders.

He sat in front of her, and she shivered as he clasped her hands.

"Trust me, Reyna, I'm not your dream. I'm real." He said, squeezing her hands and gazing into her eyes intensely.

"Did you seriously come here to take me for a bike ride?" She asked to confirm.

"Yes." He nodded, grinning. For the first time, he was ecstatic to make someone sit on his bike behind him.

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