lil' miss punk

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"Kimberlee is all your stuff packed, and ready to go?" My mom asked.

"Yes mother!" I shouted my voice echoed off the bare walls.

The house looked so empty so just plain. This was my house, the house where I lived for 17 years.

I remember when I was 12 I had my first sleepover here, it was great, until Cindy showed up. Cindy was a total jerk. I remember crying in my room after hearing how Cindy stole my first love away. Oh and  that time when I was 6, and I ran into the screendoor; it was so clean I thought it was opened. I walked into the kitchen and stared at the wall where our height was measured.

I looked out the kitchen window into the yard, I imagined two people sitting on the bench, that's when I had my first kiss. A tear rolled down my eye as I pictured a nervous me, sitting down and a very handsom Aston holding my hand. I laughed at what happened next, the sprinklers went off, I walked inside soaking my dad laughing, telling me to cheer up. I remember screaming calling 911 when I found dad laying on the ground unconcious. Some memories were good, some were bad, but like all  things, they soon come to an end.

I slowly walked out the house and closed the door.

"Ready?" My mom asked smiling.

I smiled back "yea, Beverly hills, California here we come." I said.

Next to me my puppy, Max, whined I picked him up into my arms. "Oh come on max give it a try." I kissed his wet nose, and he licked my face, I laughed "love you to maxy." I sat in the passenger seat of the car.

"Mom, why did you say we're moving here again?" I asked her.

She just went pale, "its a suprise." Was all she said, I stared at her, what was with her.

"Well how long is the drive mom?" I asked staring out the windows at the green pasters.

The color came back to my moms face, and she smiled, "two hours."

I groaned I hated long car rides, they annoyed me so much, so I pulled out my phone, and decided to text my friend.

Hey Charlottle jst lft dha city- I pressed send and in an instant got a reply.

Hey Kimy miss you already :( 

That was so Char she just couldn't text right, it had to be the whole thing.

Aw miss u 2 but hey look on the brite side calli, beach, guys, parties.- I read the message laughed then pressed send.

Lucky don't forget to keep me updated

I rolled my eyes at that she loved to hear juicy gossip, and news.

Kk will do

Look in your bag.

My brows burrowed


Just do it!

I did as the text said, and looked in my brown backpack, in there was a tiffany & co. bag. I pulled out the little robins blue egg colored box, and opened it. It contained a silver bracelet with three charms a heart with my name, and a heart with Charlotte's name, there was anouther one that said bff.

I immediatly put the bracelet on, and texted Charlotte back.

Omg Char tnx ur dha bst bff eva

No problem jst dont forget me.

I yawned and looked at the time atleast 40 minutes had passed, and the sun was beggining to set.

The sky was a beautiful pink, gold, the clouds were thin, and white with a bit of gold.

Will txt l8r

Before she could reply I fell asleep. Boy was I tired I had spent the whole night packing getting every single one of my items.

Max laid on my lap silent he seemed sleepy to, considering all the running, jumping, and barking he'd done the night before.

"Come on honey we're here." Mom shook me out of my sleep.

I rubbed my eyes, and grabbed my backpack, and looked out my window at the house, my eyes growing wide. I opened the car door and max hopped off my lap, and went to a nearby tree.

The house was on the beach, how awesome was that, way awesome.

I opened the door, and looked at it omg, it was huge, and already had furniture in it.

I walked upstairs to a room which to my surprise wasn't empty, it was filled and messy.

I picked up what looked like a pink high heel.

"Uh what are you doing with my shoe." I turned to see a beach blonde girl standing in the doorway.

"Mooommmmmmm!!!!!!!!." I screamed.

"Daddddddddddd!!!!!!!" The girl screamed.

Mom immediatly ran upstairs, some guy running right behing her, he looked like george clooney.

"Oh god." Was all she said as she paced back and forth, hand on forehead.


Ok so what do ya think like, vote, comment, fan. Oh and that's a pic of kimberlee they're the same person, just act as if there's no piercing in her chin.

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