chapter five

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"So what'd ya think?" Kennedy asked me.

I immediatly snapped out of trance, and nodded.

"this is awkward." Kennedy whispered to me, and then I realized everyone was staring at us, guys were stariong with googoo eyes, and drooling. Girls were glaring, and fussing at their boyfriends for staring.

"just act as if you dont notice them, and keep walking." I whispered back, I slipped on my black versace sunglasses, Kennedy did the same.

"ugh Kennedy what happened to you." said some red headed chick walking up to us.

"what do you mean?" Kennedy said looking at the girl.

"well you look like wow. How did you do it." the girl said looking at me.

"I just teased her." I said to the girl smiling.

"I'm Mary-Jane, but most people call me Jamie. And if you ever call me Mary-Jane I will take my foot and..."

"Jamie!!!." Ken said horrified.

"what I was just joking, geez, live a little." Jamie said, she turned to me and said. "Ok now who are you."

"Kimberlee, Kennedy's sister.." I was cut off.

"you have a sister, why didn't you tell me."

"well I didn't know, until yesterday." Ken said nervous, she needed to loosen up gosh she acted as if she was scared of Jamie, when obviously Jamie was just messin around.

"Were stepsisters, so what class do you have."

"Algebra." Jamie said

"Algebra" Kennedy said.

"Ok great, we all have algebra." I said smiling. Just then the bell rung, Kennedy was about to head off to class, when I stopped her. "Uh, where are you going?" I asked.

"To class, duh."

"Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, you poor baby we have to be fashionably late as if you don't care, and all the attention is going to be on you." I told.

"Oh." was all she said, we waited about 5 minutes, then headed off, we stopped in front of the door, and did a cute check.

"Ok how do I look?" Jamie asked.

"Good, just pin your hair up, it looks better up, and take off that jacket show off what god gave ya. Gloss, and smile." Kennedy told her.

We just looked at her, "ok how can you say all that but can't. Do anything for yourself." I said.

"What? I watch make over shows, and fashion shows." We just burst out laughing, and jamie did as she was told.

Ok we looked fabolous, jamie was wearing a cute pink chifflon ruffle top, and a white skirt with cute white sandals.

we all glossed our lips, "ok when we go in there act as if we were talking about something funny, laugh ok laugh, and giggle draw attention." I had told them, we linked arms, and opened the door.

All eyes in the room flew to us, we laughed, and giggled about nothing.

"Ech-em." We all turned to face a pungy, short, bald headed, wrinkled, old teacher.

"Would you care to share what's so funny." He said folding his hands over his chest.

"Uh oh." I heard kennedy whisper.

"Oh you wouldn't understand." I told him.

"Please do tell." He said glaring at me, I just rolled my eyes.

"Uh well someone kinda wrecked your car." Jamie said.

"And you find that funny."

Kennedy looked at me and raised an eyebrow, I just shrugged, I didn't know myself.

"Well yea I do when it was wrecked by a prego teen, with her tatted up boyfriend eggin her on, saying "take that dad." She said ok where was she going with this.

He ran out the room immediatly, "ok so we have about an hour before he comes back."

We were heading out the door when some kid shouted.

"Wait! Where are you going." Some boy yelled.

"Uh to the mall we have an hour, and I want to go shopping." Jamie said.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know, but I do know this I'm going shopping deuces." That was kennedy.

"We should stay here and study." Said some nerd girl poor thing, everyone looked at her like she was crazy and teased her. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Why don't you join us." I said, the girl looked shocked, but gathered her stuff, and ditched them.

"I'm charlotte." The girl said holding out her hand.

"Kennedy." Ken said shaking her hand.

"The one the only Jamie." Jamie said smiling.

"And I'm kimberlee." I said.

We walked to the parking lot, and got in the Jamie's bronze colored porsche panamora.

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