Chapter 6

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Its been a week since i got drunk and had a cofessional, but last night i showed up at wyatts house, drunk from one of ava's theater partys. I wake up seeing wyatt next to me. He moves a lot when he sleeps so he isint holding me anymore but its ok. I get up so i can use the bathroom. Wyatts family is luckily not home, both of his older sisters are in collage and his dad is in the army. Wyatt never talked about his mom growing up. I just saw her in his house. She would always be smoking or had wine in her hand. Wyatt always said to avoid her, but i would say hi when i was over. I start splashing water in my face. I have a big head ache.

"What are you doing?"

Wyatt leans on the bathroom door frame yawning and scratching the back of his head. God i love his hair.

"Washing my face"

I turn off the sink and grab a towel that was on the towel rack. Wyatt tilts is head to the side he was leaning on and i see him through the mirror.


"I just love how you dont need to wear makeup to feel pretty bec"

Did he just say the L word

"And i would love if you got me some coffe and advil lover boy."

I turn to face him. But he was already on the way to the kitchen.

"Did michy leave any clothes here that i can use?"

I say loudly so he can hear me.

"Yeah they should be in her old room. Just look in the closet and dresser"

Michy and i where close before i left, maybe its because i was the "Less annoying" out of the four in her opinion. I open up the closet and see alot of her clothes. She went to new york for collage so she left a lot of her summer clothes here.

"Hey bec, theres a party tonight if you want to go, we can bring a case of caprisuns if you want some"

Wyatt says walking to the room.

"If you want to go we can go."

I grab a white tennis skirt and a black crop tank top.

"You sure, i mean we dont have to go."

I look at him sternly.

"It sounds like you dont want to go king of the keg."

At the few partys ive been to, all the seniors refer to him as king of the keg, because he does hand stands on the keg and drinks half of it without puking or blacking out.

"Ill go but its at jaxson place, those partys get. Interesting."

"Interesting how?"

I move my index finger telling him to turn around so i can change.

"Well i get interesting. He has a lot of collage friends who bring strong stuff and i cant help myself most of the time."

I slip on the skirt after the tank top.

"And? You literally blacked out on my bedroom floor once, i think your fine."

Before i can tell him to turn around he's facing me.

"You know why Rachel cheated on me?"

I grab the advil and coffee.


"Because i had a lot to much to drink and became a drunk ass twords her. So she found a guy that was less drunk and made out with him."

I look at him questioningly

"And this matters because?"

He cuts me off

"Because i have a need to inpress collage football guys and the way to do that is to get hammered. I dont want it to be the reason you get pissed at me."

I roll my eyes.

"Remember that time in 7th grade Michy had a party and you called me to come over?"

He looked at me in a way telling me he didnt remember.

"Well before i even got there you had snuck some mike hard lemonades thinking it was just regular and you where.."


He said face palming.

"I had to force you into your room to get you to sober up but you ended up telling me a lot more then you know."

"Oh god what the hell did i say."

I clear my throat and start impersonating middle school Wyatt.

"You know bec, Ian is like i looooovvvveeee with you. Like your all he talks about, its soooo anooyinggg"

He starts laughing into the palms of his hands.

"Oh im not finishes, you also said but you know what, i was in love with you first we are going to get married just like we said in kindergarten."

He combs back his dirty blonde hair showing his blushing embarrassed face.

"Oh just wait. How i remember it is that you said you wanted to kiss me really bad, and you went to go do it but you puked on the floor and passed out."

His eyes go wide.

"Oh little wyatt was a rebel what can i say."

Wyatt said putting his hands in his pajama shorts. I look up at him with a smile and then he looked at me curiously.

"Wait Bec, who was your first kiss?"

My cheeks inflate with air from me wanting to laugh.

"Oh just yknow, Seb on the playground. It was very romantic for a 6 year old."

Is eyes widen. And i start laughing.

"Sebastion the crab was your first kiss?"

I nod and he started laughing.

"Thank god it wasnt Ian, he seems like he would be a bad kisser."

I look up wyatt with my eyes wide and lips sucked in.

"Youve also kissed Ian havent you"

"You where there wyatt!! Spin the bottel in 6th grade!"

He looks up trying to remember.

"Oh my god your right!"

We talked for a little longer. And then wyatt went to go get changed. Im happy he's not mad his best friends kissed me first. But for the record, he's the better kisser out of the three. 

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