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"What are your summer plans?"

My teacher asks the class. My classmates respond with the basic responses, vacation, beach, and hanging out with friends. I respond with vacation, but I don't even want to go to Orange County. It's not too far from where I live, but Sana Cruz and OC is a long drive. The bell rings, that means it's summer, that means I have to spend a whole summer away and with my dad, but my friends and I have plans to go have a bonfire at the peer tonight so at least ill have that before I leave all summer.

"And so they were high schoolers"

My friend Ava says.

"Freshman year, here we come!"

Says Jeremy, rushing to put his arm around Ava, I have a feeling they are going to break up before the summer ends.

"Sucks you're going like 6 hours away all summer"

Ava says, giving me a pouty face.

"Yeah, but at least ill still be in California and not in like Florida"

Ava says, looking at me with a weird face

"Wait, you've been all pessimistic about going to your dads house, and now you sound ok with it"

I think for a moment, I don't want to go, not because of my dad but because my dad has a whole separate family away from me now, and I don't want to have to deal with them.

"Eh, I'm going to have to deal with it all summer, so why don't to convince myself it will be fun"

I say, shrugging my shoulders as we meet the last 3 in our little bonfire group. I grab my skateboard just to have it shoved it out of my hands by annoying 7th graders with absolutely no life. I pick it up as Seb moves his bike next to me. He moves his red hair back and smiles at me, then next thing I know I'm getting hit in the back of the head by Wyatt long board and when he walks in front of me he sticks out his tongue.

"Enough of that red hair and blue hair"

Says Ian to Seb and Wyatt. All three of them have been close for as long as I remember.

"At least my hair is natural"

Says Seb getting on his bike he claims is the best bike ever made,

"at least I'm not a ginger"

Wyatt sticks out his tongue and just as fast, Seb is off his bike and chasing Wyatt out of the bike gate.

"These two, I swear"

I say, walking out of the bike gate.

"At least you havent had to deal with there bickering all your life."

"True, but-"

Ava and Jermy are yelling at each other as we walk to them,

"You dont have to deal with those two Ian"

He laughs a bit, but it wasnt a enough to make Ava stop her yelling


Not this again

"Why is it so important to you to control my life!"

Jermy says more toned down to Ava's loud voice.

"Becuase if you want a car by sophomore year you have to start now idiot!"

Ava walks away, actually she storms away.

"Shes always so dramatic"

Jermy pinches the bridge of his nose

"I mean shes been is drama since like birth"

See you next summerWhere stories live. Discover now