P1 - the diner

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Ngl forgot I was even making this story but hey its here now?
Are you happy? You should be cause I'm amazing,
I'm writing this at 4 am cut me some slack
Enjoy you fuck face.


I was woken up by the most beautiful sound a human could ever hear at 7:35 in a morning, an alarm clock how pleasant. Just the night before I was out in the forest with Jay and Alex it was a nice day so we decided why not, better to not let it go to waste it was a nice change from all the rain we had recently. Tim didn't come with us wich kind of sucked he was more reluctant to join in on the dumb shit me and Jay did but he did back up our behaviour to Alex who was always mad at us for not being quiet and doing what he wanted, he treat us like children wich we clearly weren't. I decided that today I would spend time with Tim! I hadn't been talking to him as much since the argument between him and Alex but I thought today would be a better day then any, since it was raining we'd have to be inside soooooooo maybe we could go out eating? After collecting my thoughts I got up, showered, got dressed you know the usual stuff then I called Tim,
I called him twice until he eventually answered.
"W-What- ?" I heard him mutter from the phone, he sounded tired I must of just woken him up.
"Could you sound anymore dead?" I asked him sarcastically.
"Maybe if you didnt call me as soon as the sun appeared I would sound more alive, Well what?"
"Are you busy today by any chance"
"No I think I'm free"
"Great! Do you wanna go out with me later? You didn't go out yesterday and besides if it rains you could always come to my house, or we could eat in the diner."
He paused for a moment before slowly replying,
"Uhhhhhh- uhm, yeah? What time?"
"What time best suits you Tim I can do any"
"I dunno- uh- 4 pm? I won't be busy by then"
"God, could you choose any later? The sun would've set by then! I'm just jokingggg, see you then"
I would've said more but he hung up before I could, my bad I mean by the sounds of his voice I must've woken him up.

It was 3:45 pm and I'd be meeting with Tim soon I quickly texted him to make sure I knew where we'd meet, we would be meeting up at the park. I put on my jacket and left my house and began my walk to the park, the sky was dark with clouds so opossing to the day before but just by the tell of the sky I knew without a doubt it'd rain today. When I arrived at the park I saw Tim stood by a lamp with a cigarette between his fingers, "hey- !" I yelled as I walked to him and as I did he waved at me and threw his cig onto the floor putting it out with his foot. "Didn't think of dressing a little more prettier for me?" I asked him teasingly "no- ? you didn't make an effort for me, why would I make one for you." He replied gingerly. I laughed at his response and he looked almost embarrassed by it "I always look good you idiot." I replied confidently "well whatever, let's go before the sky rains hellfire on us and we get drenched." Tim added on, he walked off down the path to the diner where I followed next to him.

We arrived and took our usual spot on the corner.
"Soooooo~ whatcha want" I asked him, he looked up at me and awkwardly stared at me before replying "I'll probably just get fries and maybe a drink, what about you?".
"I'll get a burger as usual but God dam, only fries? You'll starve." I jokingly remarked, he just stared at me with a blank expression on his face "I'll go order yeah?" I told him. He silently nodded at me and I got up to go order, I greeted the lady at the register and gave her our orders afterwards I sat back down with our table number, I sat across to Tim who just sat completely still staring out of the window. I touched his shoulder to get his attention and his head snapped back to look at me "you uhm- okay?" I asked trying my best not to sound worried "I'm fine? Just tired." He replied sounding almost confused as if he wasn't being weird in anyway possible and I was being the weird one for even asking, a few moments later the lady by the register called out our table number I got up and took the food back to the table. I took my food and placed Tim's food Infront of him, he was staring outside the window again so I gently nudged him with my hand to wich he turned to look at me again. I smiled at him whilst his expression remained blank he just looked at me then his food, I just assumed he lost his appetite and began eating my food. He picked up one of his fries and began eating it he only ate what looked to be a few before he looked up at me and said "I'm full, I've had enough. Do you want them?" I had just finished my burger and knew I wouldn't be able to fit his fries in aswell "nah, I don't think I can fit it. Just finish up your drink and we'll leave" He began drinking his juice as a response to what I said then after he finished we left the diner finally at 5:30 . "It's not to late, do you still have time to come to mine, we could watch something." I asked him, he turned to me and smiled "when don't I have time for you brian?" After we left the diner he seemed to be himself again I preferred him when he wasn't being quiet and paranoid.

" alright then, let's go " i replied placing my hand on his shoulder and we began walking to my house which was only 25 minuets away through the forest


Words : 1101

It only took me 1 hour and a half to finish this garbage I'm a fucking unit, it's 5:30am and I'm tired
P2 is up now

Follow me or your a coward.

I Will Marble Your Hornets - masky x hoodie / Tim x brian Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang