P3 - The Shack

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Brian's pov again? You bet.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I wasn't in my bed but instead on my couch. Just then did I remember that Tim was at mine after we went out to the diner, looking around the room I noticed a blanket placed over me and no sign of Tim. I must've forgotten about the driving offer and he'd of walked home by himself in the dark, right well that sounds far from safe. Back to doing my best friend duties as usual I picked up my phone next to me and text Tim,  he didn't reply after 5 minuets so I spam called him.
He picked up but he didn't speak, I called out to him and he still didn't respond. I hung up and called again but this time when he picked up he spoke,
"sorry I didn't know it was you."
"It's fine, no problems, I was just checking you where okay."
He was silent for a while before replying "why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you went home in the dark? My house is by a forest Tim, besides you replied so I know your okay, right?"
"Yeah sure well-" Tim was cutoff by the sound of a loud static and banging noise, I thought he lost signal so I hung up and texted him 'talk later' to which he never responded to.

I lifted myself from the couch, took a shower, got changed ykyk.
I left my house got in my car and drove out to the street Alex lived on, I seemed to of arrived at the exact time as Jay did as he only just stepped out of his car, "Heyyyy! Jay!" I walked up to him whilst Seth walked out of Alex's home carrying a box of tapes.
"Everyone apart from Tim is here right?" Seth asked placing the box in Jay's car, "yeah I think so" I replied daisily as I was still tired "Great. We can go." Alex added walking out of his home putting his jacket on "are we driving?" Jay asked, "no you have legs" Alex replied. Assuming he wanted us to follow him me, Jay and Seth all followed him down by a path that led into the forest.
"Are we going together?" Jay asked, "no. You'll go with Seth, I'll go with Brian" Alex replied glaring at me, great I got the one who hates me.. well..  he chose me for a reason right? Maybe he doesn't hate me? Possibly not, to be fair I test everyone's patience but it's not my fault he has the least amount of it.
When we reached the middle of the forest we split up to the locations Alex wanted us to search for whatever reason, I could hear Jay and Seth talking in the distance whilst I was just walking in an awkward silence behind Alex. Alex stopped Infront of me making me bump into him, he glanced at me and pointed forward, "There, that tree, do you see it?" He asked me. I looked forward to where he was pointing, it was an old oak tree, which was strange considering the trees around here where pine.
"Yeah so what?" I responded, "You're smaller then me, Jay and Seth. I need you to check the top of the tree." He added "just don't fall". I glared at him a while and then looked at the tree, "climb that?? Do you want to kill me??" I ridiculed him, there was NO way I was going up that big ass tree. Alex sighed "well then atleast use your eyes to check the top, I'm going to look in the shack", before I could reply Alex had walked off.
I walked forwards towards the tree trying to look through the branches to the top, after an eternity of looking I got bored and followed Alex into the shack. "Why aren't you at the tree?" Alex replied whilst standing Infront of what appeared to be a closet "There was nothing at the top." I said looking around the shack "are you sure?" Alex asked placing his hand on the handles. "Yeah it just some normal.. boring... uh, tree. I'm gonna call Tim, if that's okay with you." I spoke to Alex, he turned to me and nodded opening the closet and moving the stuff inside.

I took my phone out and called Tim, to my surprise the ringing came from inside the shack. Both me and Alex turned around to where the ringing came from, we glanced at each other and I walked first to the sound of the ringing whilst Alex stayed where he was. Next to the bed was a night-stand with a phone on top, I picked the phone up, it was Tim's. "Do we wait for him to come back?" Alex asked he was jingling his keys in his hands, "no I think, I think we should go." I replied putting the phone back down. Alex took a deep breathe calming himself down and nodded, we both walked out of the door and made it back to the point we separated from Seth and Jay. "We'll sit here and wait for Seth and Jay to finish." Alex replied sternly sitting on the bench. "Okay yeah sure." I replied sitting next to him.

((starting the same time Alex and Brian got into the shack))

I walked by Seth up the gravel path to the tunnel Alex sent us to, I tried keeping conversation up as much as possible to avoid it being an awkward walk but the constant talking tired me out.
"Haven't we like.. been here before?" Seth asked when we made it to the tunnel, "why would he send us to somewhere we've already checked?" I looked at him, he shook his head and walked into the tunnel. "There's literally nothing here what is the point of this?" Seth spoke with a frustrated tone when he turned to me, I shrugged and told him to walk further in so we did together.
At the end of the tunnel we heard footsteps, I backed up but Seth glanced at me and shook his head. We both stood silently waiting for someone or something to come around the corner, the footsteps grew louder and louder and then finally it was.... Tim?
"What are you doing! You scared the SHIT out of me." Seth asked holding his chest, "I uh, sorry? I could hear you talking at the end of the tunnel. You'd do shit in a horror film that's all I'd say." Tim replied crossing his arms. "Why are you here? I thought you where busy today?" I asked him, Tim shuffled silently and lit a cigarette before replying "I was busy, I've just finished.".
"Yeah, yeah sure love the excuses" Seth spoke rolling his eyes. "Where's Brian? I thought he went with you." Tim asked us, both me and Seth exchanged a look before I replied "He went with Alex to a shack, I think..?", Tim zipped up his jacket and glared at us "which shack?" He asked, Seth shrugged and I blinked at Tim. He sighed and looked at us both "it will rain soon you know" He told us "we're heading back now anyways there's nothing here." Seth replied with a monotone voice, "will you come with us?" I asked.
"Uhm, sure.." Tim replied nodding and we all exited the tunnel following the path that we separated from Brian and Alex on.


Alex and Brian sat on the bench awhile until they could hear Jay's voice, "find anything?" Alex called out to them.
"No! It was completely useless!" Seth replied, "no one likes an attitude Seth" Alex added, only then did he noticed Tim was walking with them. Alex glanced at Brian and locked eyes until he looked at Tim and squinted, "Heyyyy, uh, aren't you.. busy?" Brian spoke awkwardly giggling then Tim turned to him shaking his head "I've finished." He replied, Alex squinted at him again before speaking "what exactly where you busy doing, I doubt someone like you has anything going for yourself." As a response Tim went silent and Seth chuckled quietly. "I was shopping." Tim replied shrugging, "and that takes all day does it?" Alex answered back crossing his arms. "Uhh- yeah." Tim shrugged and Alex chuckled lightly and spoke again "what did you buy?".
"Why do you care?" Tim questioned him back, "Because I don't believe you." Alex scowled at him before standing up. "Look it's fine" Brian interrupted, "we're done now anyways" Jay added.
"Yeah sure, everyone go home then. Thank you for helping me" Alex said whilst walking down the trail back to his home.
Just as he left the rain began to fall from the sky, "yeah let's go" Seth responded catching up to Alex and walking with him.
Tim stood awkwardly facing the floor when Brian came up to him, "Do you want driving home?" Brian asked Tim as Jay walked down the path by himself. "No I have to go somewhere first.." Tim replied looking up at Brian, "oh okay, also! I found your phone in some shack down there" brian pointed towards the shack.
"I didn't pick it up cause I didn't know if you wanted it there or not." He added, "oh.. uhm.. yeah thanks, I wondered where it went." Tim replied gingerly. "Yeah no problem!" Brian chuckled before hugging Tim and walking down the path back to his car.
Tim paused before walking up the path towards the shack.


Words : 1631

Sorry this one was a little lengthy
Finishing a story at 2am this time, I get to sleep earlier how lucky.

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