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After Brian left me I walked up the path to the shack, the one I liked to occasionally stay in. I don't think I can stay there anymore. How could I of been so stupid? I knew I should've chosen one or even made one further away from my.. burdens, But I didn't, now Alex is seemingly suspicious of me and Brian knows I went there. It's not like my phone was left on the floor it was in a place that was put there on purpose, it's my own fault, I should've taken it with me but the thought of it beeping during moments I need it the most quiet is just to much of a risk.
When I made it to the shack the door was left open, proof that they where there. My phone was still on the night-stand thankfully, I walked inside and shut the door picking my phone up and looking at the messages. Brian had called me that's how he knew my phone was inside the shack, I knew I couldn't temporarily stay here anymore if they knew this place existed. Without a doubt if Alex told Jay about it he'd investigate me, it's always been in his nature to be an annoying noisy investigator but I've never wanted to confront him about it. After enough thinking to myself I took out a duffel bag placing only my stuff inside of it, I collected as much as I could fit as long with some that I threw over my shoulder after this I opened up the door and began my long walk back to my home. Walking down the street and pass the store I noticed Brian just walking out, he noticed me and waved, I wanted to wave back but I couldn't my hands where full. He crossed the road and came up to me holding two plastic bags in one hand containing groceries, "What's all that?" He poked the duffel bag that was heavy enough to rip off my arm. "Its just my spare clothes, my mum wanted me to pick them up so I did." I replied trying to sound as calm as possible but in reality I just wanted to go home and sleep "Do you need help?" Brian asked me, "no you've already got those" I pointed at the two bags of groceries. "Pfft- there like, barley anything man. C'mon I'll help you!" Without giving me time to respond he took the clothes that were over my shoulder and put them over his. "Are you sure, I live far away and it's dark." I looked up at him and he just smiled, "I've got my car I can drive you" He giggled and with that he started walking towards his car, once again he walked away before I could protest. I followed him across the road to his car placing the bag in the back seats, he got into the drivers seat and I got into the seat beside him and with that he started his car and drove in the direction of my home.


After a while of silent driving Brian finally spoke "Hey so Uhhhhhh- how'd you meet up with Jay?" Tim turned his head at Brian and thought of something to say "I was walking back from somewhere." He eventually replied, Brian chuckled lightly and then focused back on the road. "Walking back from where?" Brian questioned stopping at a traffic light "uhm, I can't remember" Tim looked out of the window beside him. "Oh really? So, you came from the forest claiming you went shopping whilst your phone was in a random shack and you can't remember anything?" Brian spoke in a intrigued tone of voice, Tim just replied by shrugging and rolled down the window slightly. Brian drove on again with Tim's home getting closer and closer by the second.
When Brian pulled up at Tim's home he lightly grabbed his arm and spoke "will you be able to like- go out again tomorrow, With me?" Tim turned to him and nodded getting out of the car, Brian also got out "I'll help you with the clothes and stuff." He said picking up the duffel bag. They both walked into Tim's home carrying items in their arms dropping it on the couch, "so what times are you available for?" Brian asked turning his attention to Tim. "Uhm, I dunno. Late?" Tim replied returning the attention Brian gave back to him "you will 100% without a doubt be out though yeahhhh?" Brian asked teasingly as he patted Tim on his shoulder "mhm." He replied gingerly, Brian laughed "wooooo, it's a date!" He giggled pointing his fingers are Tim who flushed slightly. "I'll call you when I'm up." And with that Brian left.
Out of exhaustion Tim pushed the clothes onto the floor and layed on the couch, he fell asleep after only being layed there a minuet.


I got back into my car after leaving Tim's house and started driving away by the time I got home I had only just noticed I'd accidently mistaken my groceries for the stuff Tim's mum gave him, with a sigh I got back into my car and drove back to Tim's home. I knocked on the door and was greeted to no response when I knocked the second time the door opened, being the respectable person I am I shouted Tim's name before entering his house. By the couch I saw a pile of clothes and in the pile was the groceries I had bought prior to unexpectedly meeting Tim, I looked over at the couch only to noticed Tim layed on it fast asleep. He must've been exhausted as I'd only left his 10 minuets ago, I shook him lightly to ask for his keys so that I could lock the door but he never woke up. I decided to pick up some of the clothes on the floor and take them to Tim's room placing them on his bed, I did this until all of the clothes and items where in his room. No surprise at all he still layed there asleep, it's hard to get him to sleep but even harder to wake him up. I briefly looked around his house trying to find his house keys until I eventually did find them, I walked back to the couch and looked at the still sleeping Tim picking up a blanket and placing it over him. I stood there for a minuet looking at him, to anyone who didn't know my thoughts I would look like a creep... I never did it intentionally I just get distracted alot! I slowly placed my hand on his head to which he replied in his deep sleep by shuffling slightly. Gently stroking his dark hair I shook my head and moved my hand away picking up my two bags and leaving, closing the door behind me I locked it and dropped the key back into his house through the letterbox. Getting back in to my car and driving home.


Words : 1198

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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I Will Marble Your Hornets - masky x hoodie / Tim x brian Where stories live. Discover now