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And it was a long night. Drugs, Alcohol, The whole 9 yards. I think everyone was tired of everybody by 8PM, yet the party ended at 3 (in the morning.). I ended up falling asleep with Eric, Upstairs in his bed. I don't remember too much from the night before, but holy hell would it hit me like a bus when I woke up...

My head was pounding, my hands were shaking, my body was bruised and hurt. "Ow, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I cursed quietly, Trying not to wake anyone if I was in their room. I didn't know where I fell asleep last night, hopefully the couch. I haven't opened my eyes yet, and I'm not sure I want to. If I did end up falling asleep in someone's bed, I'm hoping it was Mason's. My eyes opened slowly, my heartbeat slowing a bit. The room around me was blurry, nothing looked familiar until it hit me... I'm in Eric's room. My eyes opened widely as I felt cold air against my upper body, my chest was exposed completely. "I better be wearing pants..." I thought. I pulled the blanket down a bit, relieved at what I saw. Sweatpants, but sweatpants that weren't mine. I sighed, Throwing my legs over the bed and seeing my bra and shirt. I put them both back on and walked to his bathroom to try and see if I had gotten jumped last night, because that's sure as hell what it felt like. I Walked in front of his mirror, my mouth dropping open and letting out a gasp of shock. "What the fuck?!" I saif shocked. I guess I was being pretty loud because less than a minute later, Eric walked in, shirtless and in his boxers. "Eric!" I looked at him. "Did we fuck last night?!" I said, worriedly. "Oh fuck..." He looked at my neck, and whatever else he could see of my body. "Sage... Your body... Did I do that?" I looked in the mirror, Looking at my waist, neck, cleavage, and v-line. Hickeys, Bruises, That's why my body hurts. My mascara luckily only streamed down my face a bit though. "Eric..." I looked at him. "Did we use a condom?" I stared at him, scared.

im still sick

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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