Blue and Red.(Arcane Short Story)

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Vi let out a yell of frustration as she punched a nearby brick wall, how could she be so stupid?! "Fuck....Fuck....FUCK!" She exclaimed as she ran a hand through the one wave of red locks on her head. Caitlyn tried to calm her down but instead she got spoken to by a very grief and anger filled red head, "NO! TOPSIDE YOU DON'T FUCKING GET IT?! don't understand...I left her! I left Powder to be with Silco. Jinx...Jinx is my younger sister and she's like this because of me. I left her....after hitting her. It's all my damn fault."Caitlyn's eyes widen as she hears what Vi was saying; watching the girl that paced in front of her. When she spoke once more, her British accent was clearly stronger now, "your that insane blue haired girl?!" Vi growled and nods as she stopped and looked at the topsider, clenching and unclenching her fists as she glared at her, "listen,Cupcake. She....Powder is still in there, I know that she i-"; the red head was cut off as she notices a ticking noise before suddenly being blinded by smoke, two eyes that were clearly from someone who took some Shimmer, the addictive drug Silco had given to those that lived in The Lanes and The Underground. "Ah...someone's talking about me?! How mean!" In front of the two stood Jinx, a devilish smile across her face. Vi goes to open her mouth but was suddenly thrown to the ground and deafened by a ringing noise. Jinx had thrown a bomb and had taken Caitlyn. However for a brief moment Jinx had held a gun to Vi's head to shoot her and kill her. Vi was clearly disoriented and confused as she watched her sister leave with the limp body of Caitlyn before she passed out.

Mylo,Claggor,Powder and Vi were jumping from roof to roof as they approached the destination that Little Man had told them about. Vi paused on a ledge of a building before sliding down the aqua blue roof and grabbing ahold of a balcony railing after inching herself to it along a ledge and then turn around at the balcony. Vi launched herself from the balcony with an impressive boost from her legs to the other roof. Vi grinned as she looked at the others.

"Couldn't we have gone on the ground?!" Mylo whined as he looked between the balcony with the cupcakes on it and Vi. "Mylo. We are in the Academic district, there are Enforcers flooding the streets below." Vi gestured towards the ground below them. Mylo groans and copies Vi's previous movements, Claggor following suit. Powder now stood on the roof alone, looking at Vi nervously. "See this is why we shouldn't have brought her alon-OW!" He shuts up once Vi punches his side roughly. "'re ready." She assured her younger sister as she gave her a reassuring smile, "I'm ready..." Powder mumbled before copying the older kids movements. She soon boosts herself off of the balcony and towards the other roof the others were on, she lands on the roof but loses balance and falls backwards, towards the stone road under her...

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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File: Short Storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें