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As I woke up my body aching but I know I need to get up so I did trying to keep off my left foot since last night it got hurt really bad I managed to wrap it up so it would heal probably which I was glad I learnt how to
I went downstairs and saw the three guys or as they call them selfs 'dream team' they contain as Sapnap,George and dream I go past them before Sapnap stepped in front of me
"Hey" he said as he stared at me in the eyes "hello" I reply as he stepped out of my way I went to the door before a voice echoed through the house
"Where are you going" Dream said as he grabbed my hurt hand I looked back I couldn't look him in the eyes don to his mask with a black drawn on smiley face I never actually seen his face I seen the bottom half when he was drinking but nothing much "outside for a walk" I finally answer he looked at my body noticing all the bandages and the dried blood I couldn't get off he looked up back at my face "what happened" George said knowing why dream hasn't said anything in the last few second I look over to him his hair in a brown mess but it suits him "tripped" was my first answer to his question
"Tripped?" Sapnap said crossing is arms and looking at me "yep" I confirmed my lie
"You didn't fall" dream said looking down at me like he always do since he is taller then me
"I did why don't you believe me" I ask talking a step backwards closer to the door "because you don't trip and sprain an ankle" he said pointing down to left foot I guess I was limping I guess I'll try to hide it if it's that obvious
"Good morning Clay" his dad said and he allied down the stairs and saw me talking to him
"Morning father" Dream said not bothered that his father called his real name "and what are you doing" his father said- I really need to know his name but he refuses to tell me he want me to call him sir all the time which was kinda weird but oh well
"I was just headed out for a walk" I said holding back my stutter and fear that laced in my voice and Sapnap picked up on this and looked at the way I started down clays father "hello mr.Jshlatt" George said I'm guessing that was his first name since George was new and didn't really know anyone name
"Your not leaving" Jshaltt said looking at me with a stern look he was still wearing his suit from last night so it was all wrinkled and the tie was almost out,
"She can go out" Sapnap said stepping in front of me but not enough because I could still see
"No she can't" Jshaltt said looking at Sapnap "why not" he answered he was brave but then a jerk to he had done a lot of rude things but this wasn't one of them "she has homework" Jshlatt said as he came over wrapped my hand and basically dragged me over to my room threw me in making my back hit the wall in a weird way I heard a click signalling that he had locked the door trapping me inside I stood up and looked at the window it was also locked but a few extra glass scratches won't hurt

Would it?

I sat in my room for the rest of the day I did everything that you can do , dreams homework, clean, sleep, try to escape the usual but eventually the door made a similar clicking noise meaning that it had unlocked I stood up from sitting on the ground leaning my back on my bed "we're having a party and your the only one that knows how to make drinks" Dream said as he left leaving my door open I left to see a big crown I go my the kitchen island and pull out the secret alcohol stash and started making drinks lining up the cups as I pour it in
"Are you done" Sapnap said taking a drink "almost"I answered as I put something in the drinks soon a big crowd of people came, to much for my liking so I tried going to my room but the crowd made it nearly impossible soon a guy in the party pulled me to the side
"Are you ok? Your shaking" he said holding my hand making me slightly flinch which he didn't pick up on
"I'm fine" I answered letting go of his hands and going up stairs and sat down till the crowd started to get therefore had to move upstairs my only safe space so I ran into my room and stayed there until after 2 hours they flooded into my room to even noticing me soon and pair of ands grabbed me and went downstairs dragging me alone with them soon they stopped and opened the door
"Your taking up space" the voice I knew as Dream said as he pushed me outside I stood up and went for the door before I heard a clicking
Of course
He locked the door
I walk around till I see an empty bench so I go to sit on there
It was going to be a long night
A very long night

Love ya <<33

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