Your eyes finally landed on the playground where you found the three young girls watching you. None of them called out or made a move, so you simply lifted your hand as an unspoken greeting. They didn't return the gesture.

You dropped your hand and decided to drop it. It wouldn't do you any good in trying to befriend children. Especially since you haven't had been a child in years.

You closed the car door and instead opened the one to the backseat. You reached inside and pulled out a large dufflebag which held your clothing. It wasn't much, but you didn't need much. You had what you needed and whatever you didn't have, you could always get later.

You just needed a fresh start. You needed it quickly. The past still had a powerful and cold grip on you, but this was a start towards becoming free again. The freedom to live.

You threw the bag over you shoulders and closed the door again. You locked the car with the key before taking a deep breath. The smell of pine needles and a coming storm filled your lungs. There was a hint of smoke as well, but it never left you. Always there. Always haunting.

A moment of peace came to an end when you heard the sounds of footsteps getting closer. You opened your eyes and found the youngest girl standing next to you. Her eyes were wide in wonder at the sight of an unknown person.

A stranger who she had yet to meet and befriend. Not a potential danger that could hurt her or take her away. You wouldn't hurt her, of course, nor would you kidnap her. You smiled kindly only for her older sister to grab her wrist and pull her away. You watched and listened as she scolded her for trying to speak to a stranger.

The two walked into the building while their sister stayed behind, watching you. She wanted to know what you would do next. Maybe you would say something. Maybe you would yell at them.

You did neither. You just nodded and took your things to the other door. You opened it and stepped inside the dimly lit hallway. After a moment of examination, you headed up the stairs and towards the floor where your new apartment would be.

You had found it by chance. A friend of a friend who happened to have been reading a newspaper with an ad. That ad lead to a phone call. That phone call lead to you with a new apartment. And that lead you here.

A new town. A new start. A new breath.

You made it to the fifth floor and followed the numbers around the building to find your apartment. It would be the first time going to it. You didn't know if it had any problem or if there was a plumbing issue. You just took the landlord's word on it.

Finally, you arrived. 5-5.

The door was red, but the paint had started to chip. The once golden numbers were now dull and old. Even the handle seemed to be loose. When you grabbed it, it moved slightly. You had to turn a bit harder to make it open, but the door did eventually move.

You stepped inside the dark room and looked around the empty space. The walls were made of brick just like the outside. It was cold due to the draft coming from the hall, but also the vents. You would have to do something about that once you had a chance.

The open space before you was the living room as well as the dining room. The floor was wood and slightly stained by some unknown substances. It smelt clean, if a bit dusty. You could see some plug ins for any appliances you may get. Maybe a TV or a radio.

Connected to the room was the kitchen. It was small and had very little room to move, but it did still have a stove, fridge, and sink. It also had a few small cabinets that were painted white.

Behind it would be where the bedroom would be. And across the hall would be the bathroom. You opened the door to it and looked inside. It had a toilet and a shower. You walked over and turned the water on. It took a moment, but water did come out. It started off brown and disgusting, gut it soon turned clear and clean.

The Path (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now