[36] Pressure

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The announcers walked on the Mat with a microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to begin our skills competition. Up first, Demetri Alexopoulos from Miyagi-Do Karate, who'll be showcasing the kamas." everyone clapped their hands and Demetri stepped up. He fixed his Gi and got in his first stance.

After he finished it was a girl I never saw before. Her name was Devon Lee. She was a new member for Eagle Fang. She broke a few boards while other teammates held them. She flawlessly broke each board, not hesitating one bit. I swallowed nervously and kept watching.

After her was Mitch. He broke boards as well, he managed to break all of them and bowed once he finished. The second to last person of the first showcase in the first half, was Miguel.

He slightly tilted his head, looking at me. I gave him a small encouraging smile, making sure no one on my team saw. And he took his stance. And did his floor routine. The entire time I noticed this girl staring at me.

She had a jet black hair in a tight slick back ponytail. She wore a blue Gi, from Topanga Karate. She stood tall and confident as she smirked at me. I might have stared too long, because the next thing I knew Miguel finished his showcase and it was my turn.

I grabbed my prop from Kreese. Nunchucks. I anxiously walked on the mat and took a deep breathe, bowed, and took my stance.

(Im not great at details so here's this video for a vidual)

Once I finished I sighed and bowed. I walked off the mat as Kreese and Silver give me a nod of aprovement. I stood next to Kenny and watched as everyone else showcased.

*time jump*

After the surprise performance by Carrie Underwood, we had a small amount of time before the second half of the tournament begins. I went out to the back and into the infirmary. The day before I had a gnarly fall while Ice Skating and hurt my ankle.

The nurse had me do a few ankle exercises and asked questions about it. I explained everything to her and she gave her a small ice pack so I can ice it between fights.

I walked out of the room and almost bumped into someone. I expected it to be Kreese or Silver, but instead it was the one girl who was staring at me.

"Oh sorry" I smiled as I tried to get passed her. She moved over and blocked my way.

"Oh! It's fine" she laughed. I awkwardly nodded my head and tried to walk away but again she blocked my path. "I saw you perform your showcase. It was great!"


"Could use some work though"

"...what?" I asked. This random girl, who I've never spoken to or seen before was commenting on my performance?

"You've been with nunchucks for what? 2 months?"

"More" I said sternly "but it's none of your business" I pushed passed her and tried to walk away but she grabbed on to my wrist.

"You don't know me... do you?" She asked

"No." I sighed

"Well you should. Im the one who's going to win this"

I forcefully moved my arm, getting out of her grasp. "Look, i don't know who you are. And frankly I don't care. You can't just come here and be cocky"

"I just want you to see the person who's going to wipe the mat clean with your a*s"

"Watch It" i growled

She smiled and adjusted her ponytail. "The Cobra Kai dojo is pretty small. It cant take too many students so they wouldn't allow me to join when I signed up"

"So that's what this about? Your petty and decide to harass someone from a dojo your not good enough to join?"

"Oh I am. Good enough. Better even. Your senseis just couldn't see that."

"Why should I care?"

"Because when I beat you and win this whole thing. I will be the top student. My father was once in cobra Kai. And when he found out it was back in running he moved my family here. In this piece of sh*t you call a town."

"I didn't ask for your life story-"

"He never gave me much attention. Married my mother. She doesn't even love him. Only used him for the power he holds and his money. But once I win. And once I beat the sh*t out of you. He'll stop wanted to see you. And I'll be the daughter he wants"


"Goodluck. Sis." She plastered a fake smile on her face before walking away. Leaving me in shock. I started to feel nauseous and a pit feeling grew in my stomach. I slowly walked back on the main floor.

Everyone was gathered in a group and Kreese had just finished giving everyone another pep talk. I looked around at the stance. Searching for someone.

My eyes scanned at every face. And dread washed over me as I saw him. Rick. My father. He sat in the middle of the stance, a younger women next to him. A million thoughts rushed in my brain. I started to feel dizzy and my legs felt weak.

"Are you okay?" Robby asked concerned.

"Hm?" Was the only thing I managed to hum as I tried answering the questions in my head.

"Are you nervous?"

"Uh- Yea. A little bit" I fake smiled. I mentally pushed the feelings and thoughts away.

"Showcased were impressive."

"Most." I sighed "Ready to win?"

"Yep. You?"

"Ready." I looked back at Richard and then lower, to where my parents are. They had a cheesy grin on their faces as they held their phones out to take pictures, which I knew would end up being embarrassing. I waved at them and they happily waved back.

I looked around the room. Looking at all my opponents. Miguel gave me a small nod and I nodded back, turning back to Robby. "I'm ready to kick a*s."

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