[16] Aftermath

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A few hours later Y/N woke up in the hospital in pain. The adrenaline has worn and she can feel every injury in her body. She wasn't sure where she was. The last thing she remembered was seeing the ceiling of the school before blacking out.

She quickly sat up and heard loud beeping. She looked around to see that she was in a hospital.

"Hey, hey" someone said next to her. She turned to see that it was Jimmy. "Your awake" he smiled as tears built up in his eyes.

"What?..." she said confused

Y/N's mom suddenly bursts into the room. "Y/N" she happily sighed hugging her daughter.


"Are you okay? How are you feeling? W-why did this happen? Why did you call me the moment it all start-"

"Hey" Jimmy said softly "let her process before asking questions."

Y/N looked back and fourth between her two parents in confusion. "Why am I here?.." she asks

"Do- you not remember?" Her mom asks

"I remember the fight but, not being here"

Y/N's mom sighed before taking a seat next to the bed. She clicked a button to call a doctor. "Matt told me that you fell down the stairs in the fight. When you landed you were knocked out" she started crying. "And- and you friend Miguel he- he..."

"He what..?" Y/N asked.

"He fell down the railing and hit his back..." Jimmy finally said slowly.

"What?" Y/N turned over to grab her phone from a table. The second she turned it on the light was too much to bear so she shut my eyes and threw the phone down.

She then threw the blankets off of her and tried to leave but when she had her feet on the ground she felt pain and fell on her knees. She saw that her right knee was wrapped. "Mom??" Y/N cried.

Jimmy helped her up and sat her back down of the bed. The doctor came in and asked Y/N questions about her injury.

"Why did you get the cut from?"

"I- fell and hit something sharp-" Y/N lied

"How many times did you hit your head?"

"A few"

"Do you know who fought you"

Y/N thought about it for a moment. "No..."

"Do you know who pushed you down the stairs"

"No, i was looking away when it happened" this is true. She doesn't truly know who did it. She just remembered feeling a force from behind her legs.

"Okay" the doctor got up from his chair. "You have a concussion"

Y/N looked up at him.

"And my knee?..."

"It's sprained"

"Will- I be able to do ice skating? Or- Karate?!?"

"No karate Y/N..." her mom said.


"Karate got you into this mess. Your not doing it anymore"

"Mom- please"


Y/N turned back to the doctor.

"You should be off your knee for 6 weeks. Then after you'll have a brace to walk in until it's completely healed... we'll give you some time, then we'll come back in and ask more questions"

"Thanks doc" Y/N said coldly. He just nodded his head and left the room.

"We're talking about this later" Y/N's mom said as she she stood up. "I'm gonna get you some dinner. I'll be back"

"Ok" Y/N said coldly. She laid back on the bed and turned her body over to face the wall.

Jimmy was still in the room but decided to just sit down and stay silent. He felt bad for Y/N.

*time jump*

It was now 7:30. Y/N had finished dinner and was now talking with the doctor.

"Does anything hurt right now?" The doctor asks

"I have a small headache and I can feel the bruises."

"Are you feeling anything else?"

"I'm kinda nauseous" Y/N responded

"Thats normal with concussions" he stood up "we'll have you stay here overnight for observation."

"When will be able to pick her up?" Y/N's mom asked

"Tomorrow afternoon" the doctor responded.

"Thank you" Y/N's mom responded. She walked over to Y/N who is staring blankly at a wall.

"We know you probably want to be alone now, so we're gonna head home. If you need anything please call me."

Y/N nodded her head. Y/N's mom kissed her forehead before leaving with Jimmy.

*time jump*

It was now 11:00 pm and Y/N was still awake. She opened her phone and made sure to turn down the brightness. She was allowed to use it but the second her symptoms got worse she had to leave it alone and recover before trying again.

She had many missed calls and text messages from friends and classmates. When she looked at a classmates snap story she saw a video of the fights. She kept skipping until she saw the video of her on the ground. She panicked and went back but the video doesn't know who did it.

The situation was too much for her so she decided to answer texts.


Im sorry that everything happened.
I should of protected you instead of being focused on fighting.
And I'm sorry you had to see the fight between demetri and me
Hope your okay ❤️


Im okay
Sorry I took so long to respond
I've been busy with check ups and questions.

Im glad your ok
Are you badly hurt?

Just a concussion and sprained knee


Im just really worried about Miguel
I heard what happened to him
And I can't stop thinking about the fight
How I wish things would of ended different.
Maybe if I would of stayed up there with them instead of going after Tory then maybe Miguel would be fine
Idk it's stupid

It's not stupid
I understand
Are you home?

Staying overnight at the hospital

When are you coming home?

Tomorrow afternoon

Can I visit you tomorrow?
I wanna see Miguel too.

Yea definitely!
Im gonna go to bed now I need to rest



Y/N responded to a few close friends messages before turning off her phone. She checked in with the nurse before having the ok to go to sleep. And she knocked out a few seconds later.

Too Hard - Cobra Kai x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora