"It's easier online, and Hollywood said so. Besides, I'm sick of getting recognized in public... I'm glad to have a stage persona now," California said.

"Is it worth losing your identity though?" Mexico asked softly, looking over at the blond wig and flashy outfits sitting in the corner.

"I'm not losing my identity, I just don't use it onstage. People like blondes anyway," California said. Mexico frowned.

"I'm starting to regret hiring Hollywood," Mexico said. California shrugged.

"He's the best in the industry. My music is nothing without him," California said. Mexico frowned, as Spain silently observed. He knew California was a bright, cheerful person, but the second her musical career was in the picture she became flat. Performing onstage was the only time she forced herself to smile about music.

He also knew that Californias music was hardly her own anymore. Sure, she was allowed to be there during the writing process (so Hollywood could continue to parade that she was a singer/songwriter) however her opinion hardly mattered to the songwriters Hollywood hired.

What disgusted Spain the most, was the numerous photo shoots where America had to beg, curse, and yell at the crew to not put California in provocative poses or clothing under the guise of 'sexually liberating' a thirteen year old girl. Of course, the rumors spread that America was a 'controlling prude of a father,', rather than a father not wanting his daughter to be exploited for money.

California decided to go along with Hollywoods plans for giving her a stage persona, so that she wouldn't have to worry about her personal life becoming another thing to be exploited. Hollywood gave her a blond wig, ocean-blue contacts, and the stage name 'Chasity Foxx'

She didn't like it, but Hollywood assured her that it was worth it.

"You, my dear, will be the next sensation! People will be chanting your name for eons and eons! You'll be an icon, just like your predecessor, but better!" Hollywood would say, every time they saw an old poster of the original California singing. California always called her 'Candy', for she had a life so glittering and sweet, that it scorched her eyes from all the lights and made her puke up empty calories.

California thought Candy looked like Marilynn Monroe, with a perfect body and radiant smile. Under the mask of an old, worn photograph, California could hardly see the tear stains on her predecessors cheeks. She couldn't see the damage done to Candy's black hair that had been bleached platinum blond. She couldn't tell if her stilettos ever made her back so sore she refused to get out of bed for days.

Hollywood told California that she needed to be like Candy, but better. She needed to be the one who succeeded. She needed to be the California that wouldn't succumb to the pressure of fame, and run away, never to be heard from again.

California remembered New York drove her home after a show in Statesville. She always thought he hated her, but she grew to recognize the fear and grief in his eyes seeing her go down the same path she did.

"You dated her, what happened?" California asked flatly. He immediately knew who she was talking about.

"I was barely allowed to see her. Suddenly she cut contact. Last I heard, she went missing," New York replied just as flatly.

"And how did it feel to still hear her songs?" California asked.

"She hated every single one of them, they were never her songs to me... here's a CD.... I haven't had the heart to hear it again, but it was the last thing she sent me before she disappeared. Those are her songs," New York said.

Even to this moment, California had the CD safely locked in her closet. She was terrified of it, but didn't know why. She still knew that she never, ever wanted it to be lost for the rest of time, like Candy. So safe in the closet it stayed.

The next day, Texas came home, and had to endure a long talk with his parents about being responsible. California watched from the staircase, scared that she'll never get the luxury of growing up like her brother did.

"S-So... this is it," Texas said, as they loaded the last of his belongings on Americas truck, which he gifted to Texas, so he'd have something to drive to and from school in.

"Please, don't forget to call us every night," Mexico said, holding back tears. Texas nodded, giving his parents a hug. Texas's baby siblings, now nine year old kiddos, ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"We'll miss you!! Visit all the time ok???" MJ exclaimed.


"We love you!" Arizona exclaimed. Texas nodded silently, holding them close. California watched from the front door, crossing her arms tightly, holding back tears. Texas hugged all of his family members who showed up to wish him good luck at college. When he got the chance to slip away, he met California at the door.

"...Tex," California said. Texas let the tears he was holding fall, so that California would stop holding hers. They held each other in a tight hug. "Don't let them f*ck you out there, in any kind of way," California said. Texas laughed shakily.

"And don't let those greedy bastards working for you even try to hurt you, Cali, I will drive all the way back here if you need me to f*ck someone up," Texas said. California smiled sadly and nodded. Soon, Texas's friends arrived to also say their goodbyes.

"So... goin' over to Statesville, huh? God, that's so far...," Tito said.

"It's a forty minute drive... It's not ideal, but I'm sure we'll get through it," Texas said. Tito smiled with uncertainty.

"I'll miss not seeing you every day," Tito said.

"I'm sure you'll eat those words if we get married," Texas joked. Tito laughed, and the two shared a kiss, trying to ignore their parents awwww'ing. Soon, Texas had to leave. He waved goodbye to his family as he drove far far away from the town he loved so much, anxious to start this new chapter in his life...

Oh what? You thought the book was over?

Texas isn't a sheriff yet my dudes, life ain't over once you move out of your parents house

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