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Texas was running through the backyard, his little sister struggling to catch up.

"C'mon slowpoke!" Texas called. He heard California yell at him in frustration, and he smiled and pretended to trip. California caught up and smacked him. "Ow!" Texas exclaimed, even though it didn't hurt.

"YOURE IT!" California exclaimed. Texas laughed.

"I think we're done playing for now... besides, you look tired," Texas said.

"I'm not!" California said, but she was panting heavily, her posture slightly drooping. Texas smiled.

"Ok, ok... buuuuut if we go inside, you can watch me play games on the TV," Texas said. California pouted.

"But why can't I play?" California asked.

"Because you get too scared when we play minecraft together, and I don't want you playing zombie games because they're wayyyy more scary," Texas said.

"You just think your cooler because you're double digits now! I can handle it!!" California exclaimed. Texas shook his head.

"How about this, we play that princess game you like, but I won't do all the mini-games for you this time!" Texas exclaimed.

"Deal!" California exclaimed. So, they went inside, and started playing the princess game. Texas did end up doing a lot of the mini games.

"Texy?" California asked, as Texas was progressing through the levels.

"Mhm?" Texas said.

"When are the babies coming home?" California asked.

"MJ and Ari? Probably tonight," Texas said. California sighed.

"Why are they taking so loooong?! We got Nevada and Utah only a few weeks ago!!" California exclaimed.

"Be patient, Cali. Besides, papá and dad didn't realize Nevada and Utah we're gonna show up, that's why Ari and MJ are here in the first place," Texas said.

For background, America and Mexico started talking with their families about potentially having at least one more child. Upon hearing this, Shoshone had volunteered to surrogate for Mexico and America. However, when She began having intense pain and mental health issues, they feared she was having a miscarriage. Shoshone told them to try surrogating with another woman while they waited to figure out why she was ill. America was hesitant at first, but seeing how distraught Mexico was over Shoshone being ill and his babies potentially being dead, America found another woman to surrogate: Navajo. They always kept in mind that a sperm injection, as with most forms of reproduction, was not a 100% guarantee that a baby will happen, especially since they had to try a couple times with every previous surrogate mother. However, Navajo was pregnant right away, and shortly after, it was found that Shoshone was ok, and so were the babies.

So now they had two pregnant women carrying their children

And both of them were carrying twins

So needless to say, the house would soon be very full

Texas didn't mind, and was rather excited. However he was nervous that his parents would be exhausted all the time, taking care of four babies, one five year old, and a ten year old.

"Águilito! Where's Shoshone?" Spain asked, pacing around the house with Nevada and Utah crying in his arms.

"She's in the nursery having a nap, last I saw," Texas replied. Spain nodded and rushed to the nursery. Texas sighed.

"Was I annoying like them when I was a baby?" California asked. Texas smiled.

"Mhm, and way smellier too," Texas said.

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