New and Odd

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After school, Texas and PJ went on a lil dinner date, which Texas enjoyed, because free tacos are never a bad thing. Unless you don't like them. But I feel that'd be more confusing than bad or good, if you didn't like tacos but suddenly someone mailed you a bunch of free ones.

Anyway, Texas was having a good time, and he and PJ were having a good conversation about school, and what they were excited for that year. However, Texas was a bit nervous. Since he now was sure of the nature of this relationship, every compliment PJ threw his way made him flustered rather than content. Texas wasn't sure if this was because he was new to love, or because the compliments made things feel less casual. He ruled out the latter option, knowing that anyone could compliment him without trying to be super romantic. Even Tito complimented him that morning...

And then Texas remembered how Tito left school early...

"Is everything ok Tex? You look nervous," PJ said, taking his hand.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Tito... I've never seen him sick like that before... and I know, people just get sick sometimes... I just hope he's ok," Texas said. PJ shrugged.

"Holly said it was the gelato," PJ said.

"Tito loves gelato, everyone in our group does, it never made anyone sick before," Texas said.

"I know, it hasn't... I'm sure he'll be ok. Sometimes people just get sick," PJ said. Texas nodded.

"Yeah... sorry, I just... I like knowing that the people I love are ok, y'know? I think I'll check on him after this," Texas said. PJ nodded, before smiling and brushing Texas's hair back.

"You're such a loving person, it's adorable," PJ said. Texas chuckled, and the two of them continued talking about life.

After dinner, Texas walked over to a nearby drugstore and got Tito some chocolate, himself a pack of those De La Rosa mazapán things, and also a lil stuffed bear that he thought was too squishy and cute not to grab. With that, he headed to Tito's house.

When he knocked on the door, an unfamiliar man with tattoos and buzz-cut hair answered.

"Hey," he said.

"Where's Tito? Is he home?" Texas asked.

"Depends, who are you? State your business," The guy said.

"Texas. Official best friend business," Texas said. The guy chuckled, before leaning inside the house.

"EY FRATELLO, TEX E' QUI. VUOLE PARLARE CON TE," He yelled into the house.

"Digli di entrare!" Texas heard Tito call from inside.

"Ok, come on in kid," The guy said, opening the door for Texas. Texas went to Tito's room, where Tito was on his bed, in a blanket cave.

"Chocolate," Texas said, throwing the chocolate at Tito.

"This is why we keep you around," Tito said, happily gnawing at his gift.

"Also bear," Texas said, throwing the stuffed bear at Tito.

"My life is complete," Tito said, hugging his new friend.

"How are you feeling?" Texas asked, sitting on the foot of Tito's bed.

"Could be better, could be worse... I'm just a bit tired," Tito said.

"I was worried I upset you earlier... that wasn't about PJ, right?" Texas asked.

"No, no... I knew it was gonna happen. I just felt sick today... I'm happy for you two," Tito said.

"Ok.... Well, tomorrow I have nothing to do after school... how about we hang out?" Texas asked. Tito smiled and nodded.

"That'd be nice... you inviting PJ?" Tito asked.

"No, I want it to be a casual thing," Texas said.

"I thought your relationship was casual?" Tito asked. Texas shrugged.

"I know, but still... you're not just a third wheel to me, you're my best friend and we're still allowed to hang out, just us," Texas said. Tito smiled and nodded. Texas noticed he was wearing his sea monster necklace.

"I like your outfit by the way," Texas said, smiling. Tito chuckled, because he knew Texas was looking at the necklace.

That night, Texas got home, and immediately had a happy attack.

"ABUELOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Texas exclaimed excitedly, running up to Spain and giving him a biiiiiiiiiiiig hug.

"Aguilito!" Spain exclaimed, returning the hug.

"What took you so long to visit?! I missed you!!!" Texas exclaimed.

"I missed you too! I just couldn't find anyone to take care of the farm for me!" Spain exclaimed, suddenly, a lil cat was pawing Texas's leg. Texas laughed and picked him up.

"Hey Pebbles!!" Texas exclaimed happily. Pebbles stared at him blankly.

"Abuelo is staying over for a couple weeks," California said.

"WEEKS?! HECK YEAH!" Texas exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, I figured I'd get to know the kiddos a bit more, now that they're in their terrible twos!" Spain exclaimed, picking Utah and MJ up, who giggled and hugged their beloved Abuelo.

That night, the whole family had fun making dinner together, singing, dancing, playing games, talking about life, and stargazing outside. When the kids fell asleep on the couch, Texas helped his parents and Abuelo carry them off to bed. Soon, Texas and Spain were just chillin out near the fireplace, taking in the night.

"So, it was your first day of middle school, huh?" Spain asked. Texas smiled.

"Mhm... it was cool," Texas said.

"But?" Spain said, knowing Texas wasn't feeling great. Texas sighed.

"Everything feels off... I'm getting older, I'm... I'm starting to think about life? And... problems with it? When I was five, I literally lost an eye to a rock and moved on like it was nothing. Now I'm almost thirteen, and I get nervous when people look at me for a few seconds too long," Texas said. Spain sighed.

"Growing up often goes like that... when I was five, I was invincible, thirteen I was miserable, sixteen I got comfortable with the misery... eventually when I had reasons to be happy I got nervous... then a rowdy five year old got put in my care and everything started making sense again," Spain said. Texas smiled, but it faded with a sigh.

"That's nice, buuuuut not exactly encouraging that I'll only be happy again when I'm a grandpa," Texas said. Spain chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry.... I guess I'm not a great example, but I've been around foreeeeever. I'm old, mi vida, very old, and things don't bother me as much when I'm around the people I love.... I suppose I still get nervous. Very nervous.... But with you and your siblings, I feel right again... you just have to find the places you feel right. With April and Angel, your friends, family, even just being at peace with yourself... it helps," Spain said. Texas smiled and nodded.

"I feel right with a lot of things... I just get worried when something feels unfamiliar... drastic, even. Tito got sick today, and I was super worried... me and PJ were hanging out today, and I was kinda nervous... knowing the toddlers were home -with a babysitter -even made me kinda worried," Texas said.

"I understand... today was a very... different day, I suppose. Coming back from a long break to a new school... it's a bit nerve-racking... I'm sure you'll get into the swing of things soon... you always do. And... might I ask... why were you nervous with PJ?" Spain asked.

"No reason...," Texas said. Spain chuckled.

"Really? No reason?" Spain teased.

"I said no reason!" Texas exclaimed, making Spain laugh.

"Ok, ok, I'll drop it," Spain said. Texas tried to suppress a grin, but couldn't. Spain kissed him on the forehead.

"C'mon, it's late, you should get to bed," Spain said.

"Ok... Goodnight Abuelo," Texas said.

"Goodnight mi aguilito,"

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