Oh sh-

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International festival is happening at Texas's school

The kids get to represent the culture of their mother or fathers nation by dressin up cute and creatin a booth full of fun lil thingys their parents are known for (or not as known for but still cool for)

My middle school did one of these except you could choose any country to represent

My group chose France, not because I wanted to, they were just horny as hell for some full time french hunks y'know?

I wanted to do Mexico ok it was taken before I could even get it-

Anyway in this one, the kids are just representing their parents culture because we love that here

But Texas had something cooler in mind for himself

"Tex-Mex?" The principal asked. Yeah idk who it is. If there's some sort of world organization thingy for education let's say that this is her, but everyone just calls her 'principal'.

"Tex-Mex," Texas said, smiling.

"That's not what the international festival is about. You are allowed to choose between American or Mexican culture- Preferably American, seeing that he's your birth father," The principal said.

"Tex-Mex," Texas said in disappointment.

"Ok, how about you just represent Mexico? That's close enough, right?"


"This isn't productive,"

"I just don't understand why I can't represent my own culture," Texas said.

"Because not everyone in this school has their own culture," The principal said.


"You are the student president, you need to follow the school rules, it is absolutely indicative to your position," The principal said.

"But the whole draw to the festival is to represent your culture... this is my culture-,"

"It was his.... You might be named after him, but that doesn't make it yours," The principal said.



"... Tex-Mex....,"

"I'm assigning you Mexican culture, now please go back to class," The principal said. Texas sighed.

"Ok... thanks anyway," Texas said, before going back to his ASB class, where they hung out and painted posters and banners for the international festival.

"Hey Tex, What'd the principal say?" Sven asked.

"It's a bust... I can't do Tex-Mex," Texas said.

"Awwww, sorry Tex... it's so odd they're not letting you! I mean, it's literally your namesake!" Nora exclaimed.

"I guess because Tejas isn't my dad?" Texas said.

"Well, I'm adopted, sooooooo...," Sven said.

"So are a lot of other kids here, so they wouldn't exclude you for that... And Sweden is still your legal dad," Texas said.

"It's still not fair," Nora said.

"You can still set up another Tex-Mex booth next to your Mexico booth... whose gonna stop you?" Paulina said.

"Good point... but like... you know how there's a stage where kids can sign up to do a traditional dance, or sing a song, or some other presentation like that? I wanted to sing," Texas said.

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