Hank reached out and covered the gloved hand with his own. The brunette broke out of whatever trance she had been in and looked up at her husband, swallowing, thickly. He pressed a kiss, firmly, to the side of her head and used his free hand to rub her back in comfort. Ana's fist unfurled in the other one and gripped onto it, tightly.

*A Few Hours Later*

The team managed to locate Karla and Kim convince her to answer some questions.

"David Cardona, DOB 2 March, 92. Male Hispanic, 6'5. He runs the day-to-day operations of the baby farm." The female Officer explained, taping his photo the whiteboard before turning to face everyone else. "He's got a boss, goes by 'Flaco.' Now, Karla's only seen him a couple times but apparently everybody is scared of Flaco."

"So we're thinking Sofia somehow escaped this baby mill and these guys went after her." Hank summarized, crossing his arms.

"According to Karla, Cardona would have led the search for Sofia and could have pulled the trigger, too." Kim nodded.

"You guys, I got him." Hailey spoke up, making everyone look to where she was seated at her desk. "He's in the CTA system. Swipes his card every afternoon on the L and then transfers to the bus at Midway either at Kedzie, St. Louis, or California." She reported.

"That's your window." Ana murmured.

Everyone, other than the brunette, proceeded to grab their things and rush out of the Bullpen.

*Crime Scene*

Hank and Ana arrived after Kim was forced to shoot Cardona.

"Hey, Kim." The brunette called as they rushed over.

"Yeah?" She inquired.

"Are you all right?" The female Sergeant wondered, placing a comforting hand on her arm.

"Yeah." Kim nodded with a small, grateful smile.

"Okay. Talked to the street deputy? IRT?" The older man prodded, gently.

"Yeah, I mean, they got to do their thing, but they made it clear this one's pretty cut and dry." The female Officer replied.

"I vouched for that, too." Adam added.

"All right. What about Cardona's weapon?" Ana asked, getting back to the task at hand.

"Not a match. Whoever killed Sofia fired .38s from a revolver. Cardona fired .45s." Kim explained with a small shrug.

"So we got nothing we didn't already have this morning." Hank sighed, pacing around his wife a bit. "Got no confirmation on Sofia's killer, got no leads on where to find the other women."

"One point of interest." Jay chimed in, walking over with Hailey at his side. "We pulled a burner phone off Cardona's body."

"All right, well, press for any data you can get. Text messages, for example, or pings that can put Cardona at the scene of the crime." Ana ordered.

"Yeah, any breadcrumbs, 'cause we don't have a lot else going on right now." The older man pointed out, heading off with the brunette in tow.

*Computer Room: The Next Day*

"So techs busted into the burner we found on Cardona." Jay informed, typing away on the keyboard in front of him.

"Okay." Kim murmured.

"We found an outgoing text setting up a meet three days before Sofia was killed. Strip mall, Garfield Park. So we scanned the site and we got David Cardona handing a bag of something off to this guy." The male Detective explained, pulling up a photo of what he had just described.

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