Protect and Serve

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*District 21: Bullpen*

Some footage had arisen of a Chicago Police Officer shooting a young man point blank with no justification at all. Every member of the Intelligence Unit, aside from Ana who was hidden in Hank's Office, was currently standing to attention as Deputy Miller explained what was going to happen.

". . .The video's not yet viral, but we will be putting every officer on immediate 12s. We expect mass protests and violence, so we will move fast. Officer Atwater, Officer Ruzek, I want you to go to Officer Wheelan's home and arrest him for murder." Sam commanded.

Kevin and Adam glanced at each other, expertly concealing their shock and confusion. The Deputy Superintendent left a few minutes later and the two Sergeants waited for their Officers to get ready before leading them downstairs.

"Officer Dave Wheelan, on the job years, department commendations, only one complaint a year." Adam read aloud from the file in his hands.

"You can read about him all you want, but listen to me: You're both nothing more than an Uber, okay?" Hank assured as they walked through the gate.

"Yeah, Henry's right. Just read him his rights, arrest him, drive him to and drop him off at south detention." Ana listed, quietly.

She wasn't quiet fond of putting these two in, what was technically, the line of fire but when the Deputy Superintendent asks something of you, you don't really have another choice except to just follow through with it. Even if you did have a wave of dread crashing over you every time you thought about it.

"You do nothing, you say nothing. Do not get involved. Not one word that can get you in trouble if you have to testify, you understand me?" The older man warned, stopping by the front desk.

Trudy shot her best friend a concerned look and the brunette merely waved her off.

"Yeah." Adam nodded while Kevin did the same.

"All right, the car's been cleared and it's unmarked." Ana informed before turning and following her husband back upstairs with a small sigh.

Hank just wrapped a comforting arm around her in response.

*A Little While Later*

There was some complications with the arrest and the two Officers were forced to go to a safehouse for the time being. Things seemed to be going smoothly until. . .

"Sarge, our guys got ambushed!" Jay yelled, urgently, rushing into the Bullpen with his two-way in hand.

"What?" Kim asked in shock and worry.

Ana shot out of her seat at the same time Hank came storming out of his Office. Hailey met them all in the middle as they formed a small circle in the center of the room.

"I'm here. Are you okay? I heard the whole thing over the radio." Jay explained.

"Yeah, somebody hit the safehouse!" Adam practically shouted through the radio.

"What the Hell does he mean, hit?!" Kim demanded, worriedly.

"Are you all right?" The male Detective pressed.

"Uh, we're fine. We hit one of the shooters, maybe two. Both were masked." The Officer reported. "I mean, the place was clearly compromised. They were there to kill Wheelan."

"Adam, are you guys still at the house?" Ana inquired as Hank pulled out his own radio.

"No, no, no, we're driving. Patrol said they were a minute out, but driving feels safer right now." He admitted.

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